Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Yes, this morning I am up one and a half pounds, 254.  That's up one and a half since yesterday morning. I really think that is also where I was last Wednesday.  At least, I think so because I didn't write it down.

I am blaming it on sodium from last night's dinner at Sweet Tomatoes. Let's just cut to the chase. I did NOT follow my food plan there last night.  I made a lovely salad, full of every great crunchy vegetable, then I loaded it up with too much cheese, croutons, and some of the naughty salads like pineapple cole slaw, and potato salad, as well as a lot of the the high carb veggies like corn, peas, and kidney beans.  It was a delicious salad.  Had I only eaten that, I probably would have been OK, but...I know you saw that coming.

I also tried all four of their vegetarian soups: barley pinto bean, tomato Parmesan vegetable, potato leek, and broccoli cheese. I had a cup of the tomato, about 2/3 of a cup of the pinto, and about half a cup of each of the other two just to taste them.  Mark and I agreed that the tomato vegetable was the best one.  They were all incredibly salty, so that's where the sodium is coming from, I think.  We also shared their special muffin of the week, French Quarter pecan praline.  It was amazing.

I still think all of that would have been OK, but...

I also had two cups of steamed veggies, some macaroni and cheese, two small pieces of Asiago cheese bread, one small piece of Quattro Formagio pizza, a piece of Indian grain bread with butter, half a decadent brownie, some hot apple cherry cobbler, and a bowl of soft service ice cream. 

Yeah, there's no confusion as to why I'm up a pound and a half today.

The good news, if there is such a thing today, is that I did go out for my 15 minute fasting cardio walk again this morning.  It was warm but breezy and not too humid. In fact, although it was sunnier this morning than yesterday, it was less humid so I came back less sweaty. Or maybe I just walked slower.  LOL! 

Well, I have about two weeks before a serious food fest starts.  Lowell and Emily are arriving on June 14 and leaving on June 17.  On June 18 our friends Casey, Jen, and their little boy Felix are arriving for a one day visit, then on June 19-24 another friend is coming for a Disney orgy including much eating.  A few days after he leaves, we are leaving for a trip up north for three weeks.  So pretty much from June 14 through our return on July 16, there is going to be a solid month of many restaurant meals, lots of time away from home, socializing with family and friends, and probably a weight gain.  My personal goal right now is to get very serious, exercise a lot, cut the calories, and try to drop 10 pounds in two weeks, so that I can put them back in the next four and a half weeks!  If I'm not careful, I could gain 10 each WEEK during that time, so it will require careful monitoring, obviously not my strong point.  Sigh. Wish me luck!

Meanwhile I finished another jigsaw puzzle today. Mark bought me this one at Mouse Gears in Epcot a few weeks ago, but I only opened it up on Sunday of Memorial Day Weekend.  It only took four days to finish.  It has only 500 pieces, but more than that, the pieces all were easy to recognize because of all the Disney characters and variety of color. It was a lot of fun to work on, so I worked on it a lot in the last few days.  I won't be able to bring myself to put it back in the box for awhile, so I'm going to leave it on the table in the lanai and just admire it for awhile!

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