Wednesday, March 13, 2013

post-birthday, Weigh-in Wednesday, and Iditarod winner

I think Mark had a fantastic birthday yesterday.  I have posted some pictures from it on this blog.
We had all three meals out, as I said we would.  For me, breakfast was a Fit Fare Slam at Denny's, which was egg whites scrambled with spinach, a fruit cup, and an English muffin with butter.  I also ate about half a cup of Mark's oatmeal with nothing added to it and half of one of his pancakes with a little butter. Lunch turned out to be half of a gigantic chocolate Butterfinger cupcake.  Dinner at Landry's included a shot of Crown Royal whiskey, too many onion rings, plain grilled gouper, half a plain baked potato, and some broccoli.  At home, I ate one serving of Mark's home made banana-pineapple pie concoction, very tasty.  I guess I had at least 2000 calories for the day, but we did walk a lot at the Disney Studios.

Yesterday morning I was down two pounds, which made me very happy.  I had been 264.5 on Monday and 262.5 yesterday morning.  Much to my surprise, I am still 262.5 this morning.  I gained nothing yesterday.  I cannot believe it.  I can only conclude that all the walking did it for me.  262.5 is exactly what I weighed in the doctor's office last November.  I have to weigh-in again this Friday with her for my four month check-up. I am hoping I can hold on to this weight, or even lose a bit more, by Friday morning.  We shall see.

Today we are eating lunch at Sweet Tomatoes because Mark has a birthday coupon for a free lunch for himself.  It's a soup and salad place, so it's possible to behave or to overeat.  I will do my best.  Dinner is at a friend's house.  She said she is baking tilapia, so I hope that will go pretty well.

Also the Iditarod winner came into Nome this morning.  He made history because he is the oldest winner ever in the history of the Iditarod, AND last year his son was the youngest winner ever.  Now that's just not likely to ever happen again.  Congratulations to Mitch Seavey for his win of the 41st Iditarod.  Quite a race! 9 days, 7 hours, 36 minutes, 56 seconds was his winning time for traversing 1000 miles of Alaskan wilderness from Anchorage to Nome.  Talk about an Amazing Race!  LOL!

The day started with his free Grand Slam breakfast at Denny's.

Lunch was half a giant Butterfinger cupcake at Starring Rolls Cafe in the Studios.

We walked around the park for about 25 minutes to burn up the cupcake sugar before taking a break.

We specifically came to see this new attraction.

Mark also enjoyed going through an old favorite exhibit.

Our dinner spot

Opening his present from Evey and Eric, a gift card to take the Keys to the Kingdom tour.

Thanks to Lowell for the Hellblazer book and an Amazon gift card.

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