Saturday, March 30, 2013

Shabbat Pesach

We are currently in the process of getting ready to go to shul.  Mark is reading Haftarah this morning, so he does not want to be late!  It's Easter Weekend, so the last few miles to the shul that go past WDW could be backed up today. 

The last two days were pretty relaxed.  We did some household chores, went to the Farmer's Market for some fresh fruits and veggies, got a few items at Publix, watched a lot of TV, took some naps and long walks.  It's been an easy few days.

This afternoon is going to be sunny and low 80s, so we might finally get to take Frank up to the pool after shul and lunch.  We might have a shul and pool day again!

I started my alligator jigsaw puzzle yesterday. It's shaped like an alligator and has all sorts of other Florida animals inside the shape.  I have never done a puzzle that wasn't a rectangle, so this is really challenging.  I tried to sort out the side pieces, but it seemed like almost anything could be a side piece.  Once I made the first pass on sorting, I grouped the "side" pieces together by color and finally tried to put some together. I worked about two hours on it each of the last two days.  Needless to say, not many pieces have been put together!  LOL!  This is definitely going to last me a long time.  Once I get this one together, I think I will glue it and put it on the wall of the lanai since it's Florida themed. It would look good over the door.

I hope everyone who is celebrating Passover is still enjoying the week and the matzah.  For those celebrating Easter tomorrow, I hope you have good weather wherever you are and enjoy dressing up in your new Easter outfits! 

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