Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Seders are all done.

The Passover seders are now over. I hope everyone had wonderful ones; ours were certainly wonderful. Passover continues for another 7 days, but there are no more seders.  This morning begins the second full day, still a holiday, still a day to attend services.  Mark is making matzah meal pancakes, like he does every morning during Passover.  Yum.

It's really cold in the house this morning.  We hit record lows for this date last night.  In 1979 it hit 42, and last night it broke the record by hitting 40.  Tonight they expect another record to be broken.  In 1955 it was 43 on this date; tonight it is expected to go to 41. 

I haven't forgotten that it's weigh-in Wednesday.  I'm up, well, DUH!  Two seders, lots of sodium in everything, and too much to eat at all the meals is just asking for trouble.  I am up to a new record high (record since I lost all the weight anyway) of 270.8.  Yes, that's a seventy.  Haven't seen that for awhile. 

Today there will be no big holiday dinner and no company coming.  Mark is making our usual Wednesday dinner of pasta sauce on cauliflower with a salad. The difference tonight is that the sauce will have real ground beef in it and the leftover meatballs from the first seder.  We also hope to get outside and take a walk this afternoon since there are far less preparations and no company to prepare for. It's going to a sunny 66 for a high today, perfect for a nice walk.

Right now, breakfast is over and it's time to get a shower.  We are going to be much later today getting to services than yesterday.  Haha!  What else is new!

Have a great day wherever you may be.

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