Saturday, June 22, 2013

Good Day and Wedding Announcement

First the big news!  Lowell and Emily have a DATE and a VENUE!  I saw it posted on Facebook Thursday evening, but I forgot to mention it in yesterday's blog!  I called and talked to her for about a half hour because it's such great news.  As she said, she now has a dress, and a date, and a venue, and OH YEAH, a GROOM!  LOL!  She has a great sense of humor.

Their wedding will be at the Morningside Inn in Frederick, MD on July 12, 2014 at 6 p.m.

There's a website for the venue, so you can google it and see how beautiful the place is.  It's set in the rolling hills of Western Maryland, very gorgeous! 
Yesterday was the last day of our water aerobics class until September.  The instructor is a semi-snowbird.  She's going up north for the next two months!  Oh, well...

Mark has discovered a Line Dancing class that is for beginners on Tuesday's at the same time.  It also runs on Fridays, but it's not listed as Beginners then.  We will probably give it a try the week after next.  We can also go do our own water aerobics and swim laps any time we want, of course.

Mark used his new six quart slow cooker to make Pepper Steak, and it was PERFECT.  He is IN LOVE with the slow cooker, so we may be experiencing a lot of those meals in the future, as long as they are low calorie and low carb.

I never got to the weights yesterday because the weather got bad.  We didn't feel like going out in the bad weather, so we just watched TV instead.  Haha!  Not necessarily a good swap.  I also read a lot more in Game of Thrones, which I'm really enjoying.

I ate what I said I would for breakfast and dinner, but the lunch and snacks changed.  At lunch, we ate out at the pool bar.  I was a good girl and had a grilled chicken salad, so the calories were about the same as my planned lunch.  I also ate the cherries.  For a snack I had a nice piece of watermelon that our neighbor Ken brought over.  Thanks, Ken!  It was a really juicy, sweet half of a watermelon.  Delicious.  I will finish it tonight.  I also had a shot of whiskey with Mark for a Happy Hour.  My total calories yesterday were 1352 and exercise used 367.  That's a good day.

Ken also came over this morning with his "loppers" and lopped off a bunch of branches of palm trees and another plant that were growing across the front walkway.  I had sent an email to the ProScape people this past Monday asking for that to be done.  Apparently, they came and lopped off some dead branches, but not the ones I wanted gone.  When Ken came to deliver the watermelon, he noticed right away that you can't walk up our front walk to the door without pushing the jungle out of your face.  He volunteered to bring his tools over and take a few things down.  So he just finished that, and it looks SO MUCH BETTER.  Thank you, Ken!  I really appreciate it. 

In general, our neighbors here in Solivita on Barcelona Drive are about the BEST neighbors we have ever had.  We feel very blessed that we picked this house on this street.

Notice that I'm not recording my weight?  That's because Mark hid my scale yesterday afternoon.  Thanks, Mark!  I needed that. 

Today's meal plan:
B'fast: same as yesterday: cereal, yogurt, blueberries   182
Lunch: the one I fixed yesterday but didn't eat: tuna, salad, cherries   354
Dinner:  Mark's Marguerite pizza, salad, green beans 470
Snacks: Watermelon, banana   226
Total calories:   1223
Exercise:  weight lifting and either swimming laps or walking on a treadmill (if the weather is bad)
                 calories burned  150-300

Should be another great day!

Evey and Eric flew to Newark, NJ yesterday.  They got to stay overnight with his parents and then today they are driving up to Connecticut to attend the wedding of one of Evey's good college friends, Lyndsay, who was also one of Evey's bridesmaids.  Congratulations, Lyndsay and Tim on your wedding and beginning your married life together.  I'm sure your wedding is going to be beautiful.

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