Saturday, June 15, 2013

More loss

Down another pound and a half!  I could hardly believe it.  This morning I was 265.4.  I am ecstatic.

It proves that what I do works.  Of course, I knew that because it allowed me to lose 117 pounds in a year in 2009, but I had strayed so far from the course that I had forgotten.

Eat right.  Exercise.  That's really it.

Yesterday I did what I said and ate what I planned with one exception.  I didn't eat the Bananas Foster. I ate a regular banana instead, so the calorie count was actually slightly less.  I did all the exercise and drank 8 glasses of water.

The really good news is that Mark is sticking to HIS plan, too, and is being rewarded by good blood sugars.  If he eats what he should, keeps his fiber up, and drinks his water, his whole body thanks him for it.

I did notice that I have been way too low in the fiber department.  The LoseIt! app tracks fiber and other nutrients if it's something in its programming.  Even if you create your own food through a recipe, you can also program the other nutrients besides calories.  I began to notice that I wasn't getting even half the fiber that I should.  Mark is being very careful to get 30 grams a day, but I was getting less than half that most days.

Easy fix: change up breakfast.  Yesterday I substituted a half cup of Fiber One cereal (14 g of fiber in 1/2 cup and only 60 calories) for the sausage links.  This lowered the calories, lowered the sodium, eliminated some more soy (not good for my breast cancer), and doubled my fiber content for the day.  Win, Win, AND Win!!  On top of it I added an 80 calorie container of Dannon Light and Fit Greek Yogurt (80 calories) and 1/2 cup of  fresh blueberries (42 calories).  It was delicious, filling, high in fiber, and lower in calories than my usual sausage and yogurt breakfast.  No reason not to eat that every morning.  So that's what I'm going to do today!

We are going to shul pretty soon.  Mark is reading haftarah today.  When we get back, we'll eat an appropriate lunch in the house, go to the gym to do our weight routine, and if the weather is good, go to the pool so I can swim some laps for exercise.  I'm looking forward to it.

Here's today's food plan:
B'fast:  Fiber One, Greek Yogurt, blueberries 182 calories
Lunch:  tuna, salad, and cherries  374 calories
Dinner: Deli flat, veggie burger w/cheese, salad with Parmesan cheese and Bacos, green beans 466 calories
Snack: banana, SF jellos, SF Popscicles 155 calories
Total calories: 1177
Potential exercise from weights and laps: 275 calories burned

You may notice that once I have a meal that works, I use it over and over.  This is the same breakfast as yesterday, the same lunch as the last two days, and the same dinner as every Saturday night that is in the house.  I'm okay with that. In fact, I read an article somewhere that said people dieting do better with less choices and more routine.  I can definitely relate to that.  I used to stand around the kitchen and wonder what to eat, or stand in the 7-11 and wonder what snack to buy, or go in a restaurant and be unable to decide.  So what would I finally get?  EVERYTHING.  Instead of making a reasonable decision, I'd start to order, or buy, or eat everything!  Or at least too many somethings.  I am WAY better off NOT having a lot of choices and just sticking to what works.  Plus, I have found that I don't get bored or mind the lack of variety at all.  Even when I was re-gaining this weight, I ate the same breakfast every morning unless I was in a restaurant.  Every Saturday we have had this same dinner for over a decade.  Neither Mark nor I ever tire of it.  So if you look at my food plan and think she's going to get bored, don't worry.  I won't.

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