Tuesday, September 12, 2017


Yesterday we did a little shopping before lunch, and then headed to the two pet cemeteries.  It was an interesting and somewhat frustrating experience. Brandy and Casey are buried at Meadowridge Memorial Park in Eldridge, which is mostly for people but has a lovely pet section.  They are easy to find and well maintained.

The older two pets, Sirikit and Ace, are buried across the street at Rosa Bonheur.  That was the very first pet cemetery in the USA in the early days, around the 1930s.  Not long after Ace was buried, the owner absconded with funds.  It fell into a legal hole from which it never recovered.  Now it is mowed by volunteers, but there is no one living in the house anymore or taking in new pets.  2013 was the last time we were there.  This time we found Ace right away, but we dug up other people's pets for nearly two hours and never found Sirikit.  We gave up, and I felt terrible.

Once we got home, I found some photos from 2013, so we went back today thinking we could triangulate the location based on those photos. That was not so easy to do!  It took about 90 minutes and another dozen holes dug before we were about to give up.  I decided to stick the spade down just one final time, and EUREKA.  I hit something, and it turned out to be Sirikit!  What a miracle!

Thursday we are going back with some kind of pole or flag or flower to put next to them to make it easier to find the next time.  We also asked the people at Meadowridge to give me an estimate on how much it would cost to move Ace and Sirikit over to join Brandy and Casey.  I am eagerly awaiting an email from them.

Quite a day!

Meanwhile, my fasting blood sugar this morning was 120.  I can almost predict it now.  Yesterday, I ate 1303 calories, 153 carbs.  This morning the pound and a half I reported gone yesterday have returned, but in the long scheme of things, that's to be expected.  Tomorrow is the official weigh-in, so we'll see what happens.  Today I will be eating a little more than yesterday, 1350 calories, 158 carbs.

Here are some pictures from our cemetery adventures.

We both shed a few tears over crazy Casey.

The word Ace showed through the grass, so he was easy to find and clean up.

One of many fruitless digging attempts on Monday.

We were so close several times on Monday, but we just couldn't do it.

Then today, after 90 minutes, we found her.

Mark got some tissues from the car and cleaned the dirt away as best he could.

Hopefully this shot of me pointing to Sirikit with Ace behind my left shoulder will help in the future if  the thatch grows over it so much again.

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