Monday, September 11, 2017

It's all good news.

Hurricane Irma was a crazy old girl whose course changed every day, sometimes every hour.  Now that she's in the north of Florida, our neighbors are out inspecting their homes and assessing damage. We have seen several Facebook posts about trees down, maybe a few roof tiles blown away, but mostly our neighborhood came through very well.  They didn't even lose power, and that was my biggest concern.

Our awesome next-door neighbors, Ken and Luanne, actually checked on our lanai for us.  It is still standing, and so is theirs!  No trees even went down in our yards, although one went down out by the street in the neighbor's yard on the other side of them.  I heard there is a tree down blocking the street up by the Palms, about a mile from our house.  All in all, we will all probably be getting our roofs inspected just in case, but in general we can count our blessings!

In other good news, I have lost another 1.6 pounds since yesterday!  This morning the scale reported my weight at 271.4.  WOW!  After so many weeks of nothing happening, suddenly my body seems to be making up for lost time.  Nice.  I have no complaints.

My fasting blood sugar was 114, still above normal for a non-diabetic, definitely in the pre-diabetic range.  This has been consistent since I first started testing. I'm glad I have that doctor appointment to discuss this later in September.  I'm doing all I can do, watching my carbs and calories and losing weight.

Yesterday we had a wonderful time going to see the movie with my student/friends Jon and Jen.  We will see them again on Wednesday for dinner here at the house.  Then we had dinner at Seasons 52, which might now be my favorite restaurant.  I ate only exactly what I had planned.  It also helped that this restaurant did NOT put any bread and butter on the table. In the past, that might have made me sad, but now it made me glad!  LOL!

Today we will have a low-key day.  We want to do some shopping and go to the pet cemetery to visit our four pets.  Two of them are in a great people/pet cemetery that is regularly kept up.  Two of them are in a pets-only cemetery across the street from the other one that fell on hard times, and no one keeps it up.  We haven't visited in three years, and the last time we had a hard time finding the graves because the thatchy grass had grown over the plaques on the ground. Once we found them, we cleared them off by hand, but this time we are taking clippers, a spade, and a trowel to make the job easier.  We just hope we can find them.

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