Friday, September 1, 2017

At Cindy's

The auto train was great, as usual.  I slept very well in the coach seat, and I logged in my dinner in the app like I said I would and ate only the fish, rice, and veggies.

Thursday we got off the train and in our car by 9:30 a.m.  There was no traffic in the D.C. area, so we went straight to the Silver Spring, MD kosher store to pick up some meat and challah. Then we went to the kosher restaurant nearby for lunch.  I still have to eat soft food, so I got chicken vegetable soup and a bowl of chili.  It's hard to estimate the calories in something like that.  The chicken soup was excellent, but the chili was not.  It was a thick bowl of ground beef and kidney beans that tasted only of salt.  There was not a hint of another spice in there, so it was very disappointing.  I ate it all, so I'm sure I got a week's worth of sodium yesterday.  Then we went to pick up a frozen eggplant parmigiana that we all like at a convenient grocery store only to find that they didn't carry that product.  We were getting tired and wanted to get to Cindy's house, so we bought a frozen macaroni and cheese instead.  We wanted a quick and easy, no-cooking-involved dinner since we were tired and Mark didn't want to have to cook.  The mac 'n cheese was delicious, and even though I scanned the box and logged in the one cup that I should have eaten, I went out of control and ate two cups, at least.  I didn't measure it at all.  The sodium level yesterday, guessing at the chili, was nearly 7,000mg and about 1800 calories.

UGH.  So many mistakes.  So this morning my weight is up FOUR pounds in two days and my fasting blood sugar was 117.  This is the first time in over forty years that Mark's blood sugar was lower than mine.  He was only 96 this morning.  I wanted to cry. I'm hoping the four pounds are strictly water retention from too much sodium, but it's another day when no weight was lost, for sure.

So today will be challenging in that Lowell and Emily are coming over at 6 p.m. for Shabbat dinner.  We have two rotisserie chickens from the kosher store, challah, fresh string beans, and a store bought potato kugel with no nutrition info on the package.  I have guessed on the kugel and logged in everything else.  If I don't get out of control and take more than I've programmed, my calories today will be about 1100, and the sodium should be under 2,000.  This has the potential to be an excellent day.

I really DO NOT want to be a diabetic.  So far, I'm only in the high end of pre-diabetes, so there is time to correct it, but not if I don't take it seriously, lose weight, and control the carbs. This is scary, and I'm hoping my fear will keep me on track.  It didn't last night when I piled mac 'n cheese on my plate, but today is a new day.  Time to start over, again.

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