Thursday, November 15, 2012

Great night last night.

Last night we took Barb and Al to Boma's to celebrate her birthday.  AWESOME.  We love the food at Boma's, and it did not disappoint. It never does. There were two new soups last night that we had not tried before, so that was fun.  I forgot both my camera and my cell phone, but Al and Barbara took pictures, which they shared with me, and which I am sharing on this blog.  Enjoy.

This morning at 8:30 a.m. we met with a painting contractor about painting the exterior.  Solivita requires that every house be painted every seven years.  For our house, that meant it had to be done by the end of December. In fact, we have already received a reminder notice to get it done.  Our whole block has already been done, so we were the ones dragging our feet.  I called the same painter they all used.  I called him three times, but he did not return my call.  I heard later that he is booked through March, so I guess he didn't need my business.  Then I called another contractor recommended by the lady at the Solivita Lifestyles office.  I called him twice and he returned by second call. He is also booked through March.  When I told the Architectural Review Committee head (the ones responsible for sending out reminder letters and fines if you are not compliant), that I was having no luck with finding a painter, she recommended a third company called JC Painting Contractors. I called them yesterday, and they PICKED UP right away.  The owner of the company came here this morning, measured, and gave us an estimate. The price is amazing AND it includes power washing, patching cracks, sealant, then the paint.  AND best of all, he goes to get the paint himself.  Some of my neighbors had to go buy their own paint, which Mark and I really didn't feel like doing. All this for only $1100, which I thought was excellent.  He and his crew are starting on Tuesday!  Amazing how it all came together so quickly finally, and we will be compliant and avoid fines.  YAY!  A good day!

I was supposed to go get a mani/pedi at 10:30 this morning, but my cold is just killing me today.  I cancelled the appointment. I'm going to stay indoors and relax until about 3:45.  Then Mark and I are attending a Book Talk on Salman Rushdie's book, Midnight's Children. What a tome, but it's turning out to be a fascinating book.  We will finish it up today just in time to go to the talk. I can't wait to hear what this professor has to say about the book.  It's being released as a movie pretty soon.  We saw trailers for it, so we are looking forward to seeing how this massive book could possibly be captured on film. 

OK, here are the pictures from last night that I promised you.  Enjoy!

 Happy Belated Birthday, Barbara!
 Since I told them it was her birthday, she got a pin, a card, and a special plate of four desserts not available to everyone else.
 Zebra domes, made with alcohol, is their signature dessert.
 Hanging out in the lobby after dinner.
 Hidden Mickey in the lobby chandelier.
 Another hidden Mickey on a rock near the bridge in the lobby.
 Hidden Mickey (and not so hidden Palmetto bug) in the foyer.
 Can you believe I beat Barbara at Tic Tac Toe in the gift shop?  Now if I could only beat her at Words with Friends!
 We never missing touching the Good Luck art piece on the way out of the hotel at the end of the evening.

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