Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Weight is up.

I didn't mark last week's weight on Wednesday because it was artificially low (254) due to the intense diarrhea from the amoxicillin on the Tuesday before.  I think I already explained that.  Well, I mentioned that I was 264 on Saturday and 261 on Sunday.  Sadly, I'm 263.5 this morning, so that's my official weigh-in Wednesday report. 

I probably should get this blog back to its original intentions.  I started it in October of 2009 when my weight loss was bogging down.  I still had the hernia surgery ahead of me, so I thought I needed to have some accountability to the weight loss.  That's was the first time I thought to start making my eating issues public.  It worked for awhile, but now it doesn't seem to help.  I write about it and then I eat!  LOL!!  This morning I went back and reread a lot of those early entries.  I noticed it took almost three weeks before I even wrote down my weight. I often mentioned the total amount lost, but it took until almost the end of October before I put the weight in writing. It was 224.4 on Oct. 22, 2009.  Interesting, 39 pounds less than today.

I still feel that I could lose those 39 pounds again.  I have the skills and the knowledge.  I don't seem to have the desire.  I guess I left it in Maryland when I moved.  LOL!

Yesterday I had a normal breakfast, but I had a hot dog and fries out for lunch because it was cheap and quick.  Dinner was just two bowls of my home made turkey soup, not high calorie, but I ate a cereal bowl sized portion of Wheat Thins and two bows that same size of ice cream for a bed time snack.  I did play 36 holes of mini-golf, which was fun, and go to a three hour rehearsal that required a lot of standing on my feet.  Still, none of that was getting my heart rate up, so the extra calories burned were not equal to the ones in the bowls of ice cream.

We are leaving on December 8 for our cruise on the Carnival Valor.  263 is a weight that I have come BACK from cruises, not STARTED them. It will NOT be good to board that ship at this weight.  I now have a week and a half until the ship sails on Sunday, December 9.  In a week I have been known to drop as much as 10 pounds if I'm very, very good and exercise a LOT.  I suspect if I do manage to do that, the ten will return quickly on the ship, but HEY!  If I start at 263 and THEN gain ten, Holy CRAP!  Do the math!  That would be really bad.

So today I'm going to the gym and going to take a walk. It's going to be mid-70s, perfectly gorgeous for a nice walk by the ponds with the gators.  They will probably all come out to sun themselves today.  Tonight Mark and I are going to the Shalom Club's meeting.  It's their annual Chocolate Extravaganza, and we are bringing them an extra microwave to use.  A little chocolate won't hurt. In fact there is no food that is inherently bad. It's all about portion control.   One of the things I still remember from my early Weight Watchers days was PFI: portion, frequency, item.

Today's plan is to eat three meals at home, all carefully planned and controlled, exercise at the gym, walk 30-40 minutes outside, eat a small amount of chocolate at the party, and eat NOTHING except sugar-free foods like my Popsicles and jello when I feel the snacking urge around 10 p.m.  I will also up the amount of water I drink. I've been slacking off on that.  I'll let you know tomorrow if I followed my plan.

Did I mention that we had the exterior of the house repainted the same colors last week?  They started on Monday and finished on Saturday.  It looks really nice, fresh and clean.  Our community requires the houses to be painted every seven years, and our deadline was the end of this year.  I'm glad it's done.  It took quite awhile to find a painter because many of the recommended ones were booked through March!  These guys were prompt, available, did a great job, and charged a fair price. I will use them again and would recommend them to anyone.  Best of all, IT'S DONE!  Now we don't have to think about it again for seven years.

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