Friday, July 15, 2016

Love Fridays!

This morning I will mail a birthday gift to my friend Laverne in CA, get a mani/pedi and hair trim at Nature Hair,  eat a bag lunch at the Cove, do some water aerobics and lap swimming, and finally play  some Mah Jongg before coming home to listen to an hour of Texas, our audiobook, and enjoy Shabbat dinner.  I love Fridays.

Yesterday was fun, too.  I loved playing Mahj with my friends in the clubhouse. I actually won three games, which probably means I won't win any today!  I went out to lunch with them as well.  Then Mark and I had a lovely shopping expedition to Disney Springs and renewed our annual WDW passes while we were there.  In the evening we watched a fun Coen brothers movie, Hail, Caesar!  Our friends Ed and Susie said it was the worst movie they ever saw, but we actually liked it.

I am still the same weight as Monday, but I'm not sure why.  I have had 1200-1500 calories every day, even on the days that I ate out.  I always got a grilled salmon filet on a green salad in the restaurants.  I was 270.4 again this morning, same as Monday.  I take consolation in that I have lost 11 pounds since we returned from Maryland on June 21.  I started this round of losing weight on Wednesday, June 22.  That means I lost 11 pounds in only 3 1/2 weeks, which is remarkable on paper.  It's not actually remarkable though because I gained nearly 5 pounds in Maryland, so those five were part of the 11 and quite easy to lose the first week.  Still, that means I lost 6 more in 2 1/2 weeks, which is actually very good.  Hm....when I say it like that, it sounds better.

Well, maybe I will be down a fraction by Monday, but Sunday is going to be tough.  I am eating all my meals at home today and tomorrow, but Sunday both lunch and dinner will be out.  We are going to see the Orioles play the Rays with Jane and Bob.  We will have high fat, high calorie, high carb food for lunch at the ballpark.  Unfortunately, we have eaten there often enough to know that good choices for vegetarians just don't exist at that park.  We will have either pizza, a grilled cheese sandwich, or a veggie burger.  Delicious, but deadly on a diet.  For dinner, we will be stopping somewhere on the way home, usually something like Olive Garden or Outback.  We let Bob and Jane pick since they are driving and know where the places are in Lakeland, where they live.  I can probably eat better in that restaurant, no matter what they pick, than I can at the ballpark. Even so, there will be a lot of sodium and higher calories, so I expect to show a gain Monday morning, sadly.  Oh, well...can't do much about that.  Maybe when we leave on our road trip Tuesday morning, I can report a loss.

Mark finally got his results back from his three moles that were removed two weeks ago.  One was benign, but the other two were not.  The lady on the phone did not tell him what they WERE, only that they needed more cutting.  He is having the worst and biggest one removed Monday afternoon.  They said the third one could wait until he returns in September.  I guess that means that one is not so bad.  Unfortunately, that means he's having a lot of cutting on his thigh Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning we leave for nine weeks.  He will be nervous the whole time, babying the wound.  We don't even know if he will have stitches that will need to be removed in some Urgent Care place along the way or what. I will report back more info on Monday after we return from the doctor.

Meanwhile, it's Tapioca Pudding Day today.  Enjoy!

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