Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Sick Day

Everyone gets a sick day now and then.  I took mine yesterday, but I still did everything I was supposed to do.  I just didn't always feel well doing it.

For some reason, as soon as I ate breakfast yesterday morning, about 8 a.m., I got intense pain in my stomach and intestines.  Within a half hour, I had diarrhea and felt shaky and tired.  Well, no matter.  At 9 a.m. we had to take my car up to All Cars for its oil change and check up before the big trip.  I had to use their ladies room again before we left, UGH.  In fact, I almost felt that I was going to throw up on the way, but fortunately that didn't happen.

When we got home, we only had about 45 minutes before Barb and Ed came to pick us up to go to Olivia's for lunch.  I thought about cancelling, but I didn't.  I ate the grilled salmon on a green salad plus two small onion rings from Barb's order.  Again, I got the intense pain, but I made it home without them even suspecting I didn't feel well.

Once we got home, Mark and I lopped off a bunch of palm fronds and other leaves and weeds that I haven't been able to get the landscapers to do regularly.  We didn't want to leave it alone to grow for another nine weeks while we were gone.  It was really hot and humid, so we were both sweating pretty badly when we finished, but it looks good out there now.  Thanks to Ed for loaning us his loppers!

I immediately came in, took off all the wet clothes, drank a big glass of water, and had another round of diarrhea, which mercifully turned out to be the last one of the day.  I took about an hour and a half nap in the afternoon, actually in the bed, which I never do.  Then we called Lowell to wish him a Happy Second Anniversary and finished listening to our hour of the novel Texas. By that time, it was time for the All Star game and dinner.

I thought I was feeling better, and at 7:30 p.m. I was hungry, so I dug into the fancy potato chips while waiting for Mark to make the hot dogs, chili, and cole slaw.  Well....I should have measured out those chips. I planned to eat a little over one serving for 200 calories, but I'm sure I ate four full servings for more like 600 calories and oodles of sodium.  Then I ate the rest of dinner.  By then it was about 9 p.m. and I felt HORRIBLE.  I went to bed at 10 p.m. and slept through  the rest of the game.

Around midnight I woke up and ate my sugar free jello since it was National Jello Day.  Even that made my stomach hurt.  I went back to bed.

So why???  I blame the cherries I ate the night before.  I threw out six of them from the last of the box because they were rotten.  I probably should have washed the remaining ones more thoroughly or even thrown out a few more that were just slightly soft.  They all tasted okay, but I am thinking maybe some little bacteria bug was lurking on some of them anyway.

This morning I feel much better, not 100%, but better.  I am going to eat lightly today.  So far I have had black coffee and that did not make the pain start.  Now I'm eating my Dannon Light and Fit Greek peach yogurt.  So far, it's going down okay, too.  That's all I plan to eat for breakfast.  In a few hours I'm going to eat Miso Ramen soup in a cup and a can of tuna.  Hopefully, that will also be okay.  Dinner tonight is Morningstar Riblets, more cole slaw, and corn on the cob.  Then I have an SOJC choir rehearsal.

Yesterday I ended up with about 1900 calories and a lot of sodium, and yet I'm only up half a pound.  Today I plan to eat only 966 calories, very little, very light.  I'm hoping that will make everything feel 100% by tomorrow.  Maybe I'll also be down a pound tomorrow morning.

I will be picking my car up today.  It had its oil change and general look-over.  It's been pronounced good and ready for the big road trip.  Tomorrow it's getting a nice detailing by our friend John, who did Mark's car before our last MD trip.  I can't wait for my car, Candy, to look pristine again!  We are starting to pile things up on the spare room bed in preparation for the big trip next Tuesday.  It's getting pretty exciting!

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