Sunday, May 25, 2014

Double Feature Sunday

Mark and I are doing a double feature today at AMC Downtown Disney.  First we will see Million Dollar Arm and then the new X-Men.  In between there will be about two hours, so our plan is to take the boat over to Saratoga Springs for lunch at Artist's Palette.  We might walk back if it's not too hot or raining.

Yesterday we went to the funeral of a lovely lady that I knew from Guys and Dolls, Chimers, and the New Year's Eve cruise on the Ryndam.  She was 75.  She has already been cremated, and the actual internment will be later up in NY somewhere.  This funeral mass and reception back in the ballroom was just for her Solivita and local church friends.  There must have been over 200 people there.  I have never attended such a beautiful and elaborate celebration of someone's life before.  She was a lovely, busy, tough, remarkable woman.  All who knew her loved her, so it was a wonderful day being around all of her family and friends and hearing more about her life.  Someone had made a great video tribute of her life to show after the luncheon.  Just incredible.

I have not gotten on the scale all week until this morning. I broke down and got the scale out of the bathtub.  LOL!  Mark his it in the big bathtub where I could see it but it would be hard to get.  Well, today I got it out.  I have lost weight for the week, but I won't report how much until tomorrow when it's official.  Anything could happen today.

I have also learned a hard lesson.  Do NOT eat so many almonds all at one time.  Thursday I did report that I ate a lot of BBQ almonds.  I did not report on Friday that I both went to bed and woke up feeling terrible.  My gut was NOT happy.  Well, I stupidly did the same thing last night, and this morning I have been paying for that mistake again.  I have been in the bathroom all morning and now my hemorrhoids, which have not been a problem for about a decade, have popped out.  Ouch.

This is just STUPID.  I need to go back to the caution against popcorn, nuts, and seeds.  I NEVER eat popcorn because it scares me after sending me to the ER once.  Seeds have just never been anything I eat much unless there's a few on a bun or in a cracker.  I used to stay away from nuts entirely, but little by little I have been eating them again.  Now, with these delicious flavored almonds in the house, I've been out of control with them.  I can NOT have another day like today.  Nuts MUST GO!  LOL! 

I hope I remember this the next time the grazing urge comes over me and the nuts are looking at me in the pantry.  Mark buys these fabulous blueberry flavored one, dark chocolate ones, and the BBQ.  Whoever invented these flavored almonds should be SHOT!  LOL!

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