Thursday, May 29, 2014

Down, Up, Stay the Same

Tourist Tuesday was great, and I thought I was making okay food choices.  At lunch I had the same thing I had the last time I was there, the soup and 1/2 sandwich.  The matzo ball soup is fantastic and I paired it with half a hot corned beef sandwich with a shmear of chopped liver.  It came with a lot of fries.  Then I had a big cookie for dessert.  Dinner at the Enzian theater included a cocktail, brie with toast, and a flatbread veggie pizza with apple stresusel and ice cream for dessert.  I definitely should have skipped the two desserts.  LOL!

So yesterday I was up five pounds.  That's depressing to be up five after just going down 8.5. 

Yesterday when I saw that I was up five, I thought it would be a good day, a day to drop some or all of those five.  I had yogurt for breakfast, did my 40 minute water aerobic routine, and lifted weights.  I had lunch out, a tuna salad sandwich and potato salad, which was the special at the pool bar yesterday.  Mark made spaghetti squash with real meat laced with beef bacon in a spicy sauce.  Fabulous dinner.  Then we went to a Shalom Club meeting where I ate two really BIG cookies at the social hour after the meeting.  Unfortunately, that put me in a mood to be craving things, so I had more snacks watching TV after we got home.

So this morning I am the same as yesterday, still up the five pounds.

Today I'm going out to lunch with my friend Judy P.  She's taking me to a place called Egg City.  I guess we'll have eggs.  LOL!  I have no idea what else we'll have.  Breakfast and dinner will be at home.  Who knows if I'll behave in the evening?  That's often a difficult time for me. 

Meanwhile, here's some pictures from our great Tourist Tuesday adventure with Susie and Ed.

After lunch at Brown's Kosher Deli, we went to The Art Center, but it was actually closed for renovations.

They told us we could wander around the outside gardens free of charge.

Then we went to the Winter Park boat ride because Ed and Susie had never done it before.

The lakes are natural and connected with these manmade canals.

The lakes are lined with huge homes and Rollins College.  Most of the homes were millionaire's summer residences.

We ended the day at this really cool theater.

We got some cocktails outside at the restaurant which is part of the theater.

We were allowed to take them inside to have with our meal.  The movie was The Double, a very strange film.

Here's to Tourist Tuesday!

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