Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day

This morning I am heading out early to participate in the Solivita Memorial Day pageantry.  This was one of the first things Mark and I saw when we moved here.  About 60 members of Guys and Dolls and Starliters were sitting there singing all the songs for the different branches of the military.  I turned to Mark and said, "I want to do that."

Now I've done it a few times for Memorial Day and also for Veteran's Day.  There are a lot of excellent things about Solivita, and this is one of them.

After that, because it will be short, Mark and I will go to water aerobics, followed by lunch at home, and then Mah Jongg, followed by weights at the gym and a walk if it's not raining by then.

Good Memorial Day!

As for the weight, it's great.  I am 247 this morning, a loss of 8.5 pounds. 

I hope to have another excellent week, but there will be three lunches in restaurants: Tuesday at the kosher deli with our friends Susie and Ed, lunch at Egg City with Judy, and lunch out Sunday somewhere with Mark after a movie.  There will also be dinner out Tuesday at the Enzian theater with Mark, Susie, and Ed.  Many challenges!

I know there is no way that I can lose this much again.  Now I'll be happy to lose two or three with all these challenges.  There should be no reason why I don't do water aerobics four mornings and line dancing one morning, plus three days of weights and some walks. 

Meanwhile, remember all of our loved ones who have passed on and the soldiers who gave their lives for our freedoms.

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