Thursday, August 2, 2018

Getting so close


That's this morning's weight.  So close to my goal for tomorrow morning.

I'm slightly worried about tomorrow's official weigh-in only because we are eating lunch today at Beef O'Brady's for our monthly NARFE meeting.  I always order the Big Catch Salad, which is a fairly large slab of tilapia on a huge salad with croutons and cheese on it.  It's delicious, but it's 400 calories (without dressing) and a whopping 1300 mg of sodium.  I'm also eating a TV dinner tonight, Amy's Palak Paneer.  That's 300 calories with 680 mg of sodium.  My total calories today should be a lovely 1202, but there will be 2833 mg of sodium.  Hopefully, that won't be enough sodium to make my weight any higher tomorrow.  I REALLY want to board that plane at 265 tomorrow.  More importantly, I want to RETURN from CA not weighing anymore than that!

I am taking my computer because I'm hoping Evey and Eric can help me figure out how to post pictures on this blog again.  I really miss that, but it also means I can write blogs occasionally while we are out there.  I would love to pack my scale, but I'm afraid my suitcase is already going to be almost too heavy.  I'm sure I can use Evey's scale to be sure I don't gain on the trip.

Yesterday was not exactly as planned in that I did not get to go to water aerobics.  Going up to the ballroom to get tickets for three future shows took a lot longer than I expected.  The monthly ticket-sale event is scheduled for one hour, 9 to 10 a.m.; however, it went until nearly 10:30.  I didn't even get in my car until 10:30, so there was no point in going to the Cove since water aerobics starts at 10:30.

Instead I went home and did 45 minutes of vigorous house work.  I was sweating, so that's why I say vigorous.  By housework, I mean I folded and put away three loads of laundry, organized clothes for the trip, began packing things into the suitcase, and put away some other things that had been hanging out on the spare room bed for about six months!  It all was very, very productive.  Then we had lunch and drove to Mark's comic store and Publix for just a few things to get us through until we leave Friday.  I crashed for an hour on the recliner when we got back, then I ate dinner and headed out to the synagogue for choir rehearsal.  It was an outstanding rehearsal even though I only had 6 of my 12 singers. I had three altos and three sopranos, and they sounded BEAUTIFUL.  It was really a lovely evening for me, but also for the six of them.

Today we have our NARFE meeting, and I'm the person sharing my life story in the segment called Getting to Know You.  I actually wrote it all out so that I don't ramble.  There have been people who got up there with no script and talked for 20 minutes about themselves.  Mine takes less than three minutes to read. Even if I ad lib a little about a few things, it won't take more than five minutes.  That should make everyone happy!

When we get back this afternoon, I will finish my packing and Mark will start.  We will be eating our TV dinners and salad at 6 p.m. so that we can be at the ballroom for movie night shortly before 7.

Then tomorrow we fly to CA!  YAY!

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