Friday, August 31, 2018

Friday Weigh-in is good.

I had a good day yesterday, eating 1550 calories.  There was no actual exercise, but my phone Health Data app said I walked 6,800 steps.  I actually found that hard to believe, but I'll take it.

This morning I weighed in at 271.2, which made me very happy.  That is down 3.6 in just one day.  I just KNEW it was mostly water retention.  That means I only gained 8/10 of a pound on the big vacation road trip.  For me that is outstanding. lol

Today should be a good day.  If it doesn't rain, I'll be doing my water aerobics routine for the first time in three weeks and then working in the library.  I'm also eating all my meals at home and will log them all in.  It would be so nice if the last 8/10 are gone tomorrow morning.  Today's weight put me back to where I was in early July. I'm clearly not making a lot of progress because I'm backsliding on each trip (Buffalo, Evey's house, FL's east coast), but now I'm home until October 3.  Well, sort of.  We have a road trip to St. Petersburg on Tuesday that will involve 2 meals out.  Sunday we are going to SeaWorld which will mean dinner there.  September has ALL the Jewish holidays this year, and that always means extra big meals.  We always stay two nights in the Comfort Inn near the synagogue for Yom Kippur with a big dinner out at Landry's before the fast and a break the fast at the synagogue.  So there's lots of opportunity for backsliding if I'm not careful even though we aren't really on any vacations.  Still, I'm determined NOT to backslide because when we leave October 3 on the auto train to board the cruise ship in NJ, I do NOT want to start out in the 270s.  My goal now is to lost about five to eight pounds in September so that I start the cruise trip weighing in the mid to low 260s.  I would love that.

In mid-March we will be going to Evey's and then flying to Hong Kong for the five week Asian trip.  That trip is going to involve 10 nights in hotels and 14 nights on the ship as well as a few nights at Evey's house.  It's also going to involve a LOT of WALKING!  Walking AND sitting have become a problem in the last week.  That day at Castillo de San Marco was very painful.  It used to be that the sciatica, knee arthritis, and spinal stenosis would flare up walking and go away immediately when I sat down.  If I sat for even just a few minutes, I could buy some more time of painfree walking.  Now that doesn't seem to work so well.  The amount of painfree walking was reduced to about one minute after sitting a little while.

But even more worrisome is the sitting!  Now sitting hurts!  It's a different pain, but I'm sure it's still related to the spinal stenosis.  Sitting is giving me a dull ache in my right hip and a throbbing ache from my knee to my ankle on the outside of my leg, mostly the calf area.  This goes away when I stand up, which makes me think sitting is pinching some nerve as a result of sitting.  So now I'm kind of like my friend Judi who has the same condition.  She sits awhile and then stands awhile.  She can't do either one for very long.  The only thing that doesn't hurt right now is laying down or pushing back in my recliner.

In fact, I've been sitting on the kitchen chair typing this blog for about ten minutes, and I can start to feel the hip pain. I'm going to close this out and stand up!

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