Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A good Weigh-In

I knew I was being reasonable this week in my eating, better than the last few weeks, although I could have done better at exercising Unfortunately yesterday, we didn't even get to the gym because of a hold up at the radiation center. My appointments are for 3:15. I normally arrive at 3:05, get called back about 3:13, and walk out at 3:30. Yesterday they had computer problems and extra people trying to make up appointments, so they didn't call me back until 4:35 and I left at 4:55. Crazy! Then the traffic was so much worse by then that I didn't get home until 5:40. Neither Mark nor I felt like going up to the gym at that point! Still, this morning I weighed 246, a loss of three pounds. This is a loss for two weeks in a row, so I hope I can keep the streak going!

Mark built another big bookshelf yesterday for the dining room. I emptied the older, smaller cabinet in there, piling everything up on the dining room table. I had planned to put the books back into the new shelf, plus empty the last two boxes that are still in the dining room, but I pooped out after I got back from the radiation. So this morning, I will load that shelf up and it should look great. We moved the smaller shelf into the family room, near the TV, so after the last DVD tower is built, anything left in those 6 boxes can go on that other shelf. Oh, it's all coming together. My immediate goal is to get all of the boxes out of the "public" rooms before our friend Frank gets here next Monday. That will mean Mark still has to build the two dressers for the bedroom so he can clear the floor space in there, and he still has the boxes in the den to empty. Still, the rest of the rooms will be DONE by the end of this week. Very exciting!!

Yesterday morning we were treated to a majestic sight in our back yard. Last summer, we had seen one big deer standing there. Last week, a big buck with huge antlers wandered up the hill and into the yard. He stood there looking like the Prince of the Forest for a few minutes before turning around and going back down into the woods. Well, this morning the prince brought the whole family up! The big buck and five does all slowly made their way up the hill to the edge of our backyard. They stood still for a few minutes, looking at the house, and then slowly made their way down the back yards of the houses to our left. We watched them silently until they were out of sight. It was beautiful!


  1. Congratulations on your weight loss! That is a great job.

  2. did not know there were deer in FL. Will talk to you soon about my plans. Still recuperating from all the company!
