Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Taxes, UGH

Today Mark is going to finish doing our taxes. It's a multi-day process, even using Turbo Tax, but I think today will be the last day. Sadly, his preliminary estimates show that we will have to pay about $2400. UGH. We lost our two big deductions: Evey and the home equity loan on the old house. We still have to pay the state of Maryland's income taxes because we were residents there for seven months. At least that will be over for 2011, but we both have to fill out papers to have more federal tax withheld from our retirement checks. Without the big deductions, the majority of this is going to the feds. Oh, least it's not as bad as the year we had to pay penalties and quarterly taxes for not withholding enough.

My radiation oncologist yesterday said the all the red dots on my skin are a rash from dry skin. The radiation definitely dries it out. I put the prescription steroid cream on morning and night, but I don't think it's particularly moisturizing, although it does feel greasy. After the treatments I use the pure aloe gel, which is wet and sticky feeling until it dries. Then it feels like nothing was ever applied. I wish I could put some more traditional moisturizer creams on there, but I'm not allowed to because they have too many other chemicals in them. Oh, well...just six more of these treatments, then the five boosts and I'm done. As I predicted, he said take Advil and keep stretching! I took Advil with dinner and I just took some again with breakfast. I also used the oxycodone again at bedtime.

I will do my weight routine today. I never did walk yesterday, so I didn't do any exercise. I also snacked too much at night. UGH, again. Now I'm up another pound or two. The weather is MUCH nicer today, so in addition to the weights, I hope I get motivated enough to go out and take a walk. It's bright and sunny today. By Sunday it will be 90 and humid. Summer comes early in Florida!


  1. Becky,
    Keep up the good work on getting through with radiation. The end is in sight! I am up a couple of pounds today at chemo too. I did exercise several times this week. I'm not sure if barium contrast that I drank yesterday (1 liter of bad taste) causes water retention. I will try and watch what I eat more this week and keep exercising. Have a good night!

  2. Hi Rhonda,
    I hope you are feeling better after yesterday's incident at the hospital. I don't know if barium contrast causes water retention, either, but I have had to drink my share of it over the years. Not too tasty! I did not exercise or do weights today. Fatigue set in big time right after breakfast, it seemed. I felt a little off kilter and didn't want to move. I didn't really do anything until it was time to go to radiation. Then we went to do a little shopping at Bed, Bath, and Beyond. We needed a new coffee maker, and I got some nice place mats for my new dining room table. Now it's almost time to watch the Orioles game again! Have a good night yourself.
