Monday, October 21, 2013

Losing it now.

I am happy to report that I am now down 3.5 pounds of the 6.8 that I gained on the cruise.  That's pretty exciting.  I ate a very appropriate 1350 calories yesterday and did my weight routine at The Palms.  Except for shopping in Publix with Mark, which took about 45 minutes, I had no other exercise.  We stayed home, did laundry, and watched a LOT of TV all day.  We also listened to our audio book, Moscow Rules, for about an hour and a half.  We ate lunch during that, and I also worked on my jigsaw puzzle while I listened.  It was a great day!

Today I will be eating lunch out.  It's hard to predict what exactly I will eat since it's a potluck at someone's home.  I am bringing crackers, cheeses, and grapes.  I have planned to eat some of those items and leave about 200 calories to choose something else from the other items that might be there.  If I can stick to that plan, I will have consumed the same 1350 calories as yesterday.  There isn't going to be any exercise today, so I don't want to get crazy at that party.  I have a long Starliters meeting tonight, so at least I'll be out of the house from 5:40 until 9:20!  That's four hours when I'm busy singing and not grazing in the kitchen.  LOL!

This morning I was supposed to go to the oncologist for my six month check up, but she cancelled. I have to call the office soon and reschedule.  Instead I'm going to work on my Starliters music and my SOJC choir music.  Around noon I'm going to assemble the cheese, crackers, and grapes platter for our 1 p.m. Costume Meeting/Luncheon for the Scrooge play.  It will be fun to see everyone's costumes, but I'm afraid they aren't going to have anything there that's going to fit me.  There's less than three weeks until the show, so if they can't find me something in their storage, I'm not going to have much time to find something for myself.  Victorian England in size 24 anyone?

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