Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Out of Control Stupid

First, I did get two great costumes yesterday.  Our costumer is a GENIUS.  She had a fantastic gray skirt for me that totally fit along with an apron and a couple of different tops and two different hats. I can supply shoes and a white blouse.  Another lady is bringing me gloves and a lace hanky.  That should do it.  Wow!  I was impressed.

Second, I over ate like crazy!  I walked to the party since it was only about 10 houses from ours.  That was good, and we went to water aerobics.  We got there late, so I only had a 30 minute workout instead of 45, but something is always better than nothing.  I went to my Starliters rehearsal for four hours, too.

Unfortunately, I ate too much at the party.  I stayed away from the desserts, but I did eat WAY too much cheese and crackers from my platter as well as some baked ziti, a deviled egg, and assorted other items.  What was really bad is that it set up a cycle of wanting to overeat the rest of the day.  I came home and sat on the lanai for two hours catching up on Amazing Race episodes.  During that time, I ate a 9 ounce can of mixed nuts, which was supposed to go to the party but didn't.  That was 1530 calories of salt and fat.  STUPID!!!!  Of course, I didn't eat an official dinner before rehearsal because I was full from the party and the nuts.  When I got home at 9:30, I ate a can of tuna with three slices of low-cal bread, a big peach, some leftover vegetables, and a sugar free popsicle.  That would have been okay for a late dinner if there had been no nuts and no party.  Plus eating so much that late at night is never a good idea.

I dutifully tried to log it all in on Lose It!, and it came to 3137 calories for the day.  I'm sure there were some days on the ship that came to that same amount.  The day was very high in sodium.
It is also interesting to look at the percentages for the day.  My program calculates the Fats, Carbs, and Protein in both grams and percentages for the day.  Normally, I do very well with mostly carbs, and about equal protein and fat.  For instance, on Sunday, which was a very good day, I had 24 grams of fat for 18%, 188 grams of carbs for 62%, and 61 grams of protein for 20%, a total of 1351 calories.  Sodium levels on Sunday were 1731 grams and fiber was 36 grams.  This is an excellent day.  Compare it to yesterday: 200 grams of fat for 54%, 226 grams of carbs for 27%, and 151 grams of protein for 18%, sodium 3545 grams and fiber 49 grams.  Those percentages are completely reversed from my good days.  Just STUPID!!

Naturally, I am up three pounds today to 244.1, only a few tenths under my Saturday morning weight after the cruise. I have now virtually undone all I did from Saturday and Sunday.  UGH!  Why do I do that?  I really felt out of control yesterday.  The food addiction feelings and cravings that I have fought all my life were taking over my brain yesterday.  It's so damn hard.

OK, today is a new day.  I'm going to line dancing for an hour today.  I'm not attending any parties or going out to eat.  There shouldn't be anything to set me off in the wrong direction.  With any luck, most of the weight is just holding on to water from the very high sodium amount I had yesterday.  We shall see.  I am also going to the dentist for some touch-up fillings around the lower edges of some crowns.  It should be easy to do.  Then at 7 tonight I have a Guys and Dolls rehearsal.  It should be a busy, active day with little chance to overeat. 

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