Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Feeling better so far

Yesterday I spent four and a half hours in bed. I couldn't stand sitting up in a chair anymore after about 2 in the afternoon, so I went to bed. I almost never go to bed in the middle of the day. If I take a nap, I usually do it in the living room chair; however, I needed to stretch out yesterday. Laying flat made the pain in my gut tolerable. These antibiotics are very difficult.

Considering all of that, I slept pretty well last night and woke up fully at 5:45 a.m. when the alarm went off to take the next dose of Keflex. It has done it's job because the infection is basically all gone. Tomorrow I have a nurse's appointment at the hospital for a follow-up after being discharged. I think they will pronounce me "cured."

It's also Tuesday, so I weighed in. I skipped it last week since I woke up in the hospital! It had been two weeks, so I didn't even remember what I weighed the last time I checked. Fortunately the blog helped out. I looked back to the entry for October 26 and learned that I weighed 229 then. This morning I am 226, so that's good, I guess. I'll take any loss. It might be more from the diarrhea than anything else, but I'll still take it. I'm not going to be excited about it until it's under 220 again, but everyone keeps reminding me that healthy eating is more important than weight loss right now. Staying strong with proper nutrition is the right answer now.

Yesterday Cindy, who weighs in on Mondays, noticed that she has hit her lowest weight since 2007! Mark has been preparing his usual healthy Hungry Girl low-calorie, low-carb, low-fat dinners for all three of us, so I guess it's helping Cindy lose more weight, too. She exercises faithfully at a gym twice a week and rides her bicycle long distances every Saturday and Sunday. That exercise coupled with lower calorie dinners than usual is helping her lose a little weight. She already looked great, but I know she was happy with her number yesterday! I have always said that if I didn't lose weight, it was never the dinners Mark was cooking. There is no way they could be improved. If I gain weight, it's my out of control snacking or going to restaurants.

I have had absolutely no exercise in two weeks because of the hospital visit and the fatigue. I'm really hoping that today feels a bit better. I am starting off feeling awake, but feeling awake and going out to take a walk are two different things. Yesterday I didn't even get dressed. At least I have already showered and dressed this morning! My plan for today is to go to a little local grocery store near here called Eddie's just to see what it's like. There is also a Starbucks next door that we might try. I hope that goes well. Mark has to do the regular week's shopping also today, but I might not do that. I usually don't just because I'll throw too many extra things in the cart!

Meanwhile I heard two interesting things on the news last night. First is that the Baltimore neighborhood of Locust Point is the safest neighborhood in city of Baltimore and the third safest big city neighborhood in the country. This is exciting because Lowell and his roommates are planning to move to a house in Locust Point in February. It's good to know it's a safe one! The second thing is cherpumple. You've probably heard of turducken. Well, now there is the perfect dessert for that. They showed the "recipe," and there is a YouTube video about it. It's weird, but I'd probably eat it if I had the chance, although there is no reason actually to try to get it. It would NOT help my weight loss plan at all!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Becky,
    I hope that yesterday was a little better day for you. I was reading your blog yesterday and went to google because I had no idea what turducken and cherpumple were. Wow! I loved learning about both of them. I watched an amazing you-tube video on cherpumple. I agree with you that it wouldn't be a good dessert to try due to calories, but if there was a way that I could make it for some others and then just stay away from it myself that would sure be fun. We are having a potluck at our church Nov 20th. I might try and figure out if there was a way I could transport it. It would make a fascinating addition to the food mix of the day. I'll probably never try turducken due to I don't ever want to try duck though. After I finished reading about cherpumple and turducken someone called me away and I never got to write you back yesterday.

    Well to get back to the subject, I hope that you will be strong enough to do a little walking soon. I am sure that would make you happy too. If you keep up having extreme diarrhea do you want to ask your dr if they want to test you for clostridium difficiles. If you haven't heard of it that is a bacteria that is possible to get in your intestine. One of the big times people can get it is if they have been on strong antibiotics. The treatment for it is another oral antibiotic. One of the signs of it can be abdominal pain and extreme diarrhea. Well I don't want to scare you, I just hope that you can get back to feeling a little stronger soon. I'll be thinking of you today while I am at chemotherapy.
