Tuesday, November 23, 2010

No matter what the weight is, it's going to be a good day! Evey will be here soon.

The last time I weighed in on a Tuesday and reported it was two weeks ago on November 9. On that day I was 226, down 3 from the previous report. I was a little happy but also suspicious that it was related to the diarrhea. At that time I did not know I had C Diff and I had not been in the hospital for the second time yet. This morning I knew I would not like the number I saw, and I was right. I also said I should post it in all honesty, so here it is. This morning I am 232. Sad. I am simply eating too much and moving too little, a dangerous combination. It is 11 pounds up since my lumpectomy on September 16. Back then, I never would have thought I would have moved into the 230s, which I have not seen since the summer of '09. It's a dangerous trend, but Thanksgiving is probably not going to help! Sigh. I am now resolving to work on this with all the tools that I used before once I am off chemotherapy. I think that's all I can do.

On a happier note, I have already had several emails from Evey. She is safely waiting in Atlanta, GA right now to take the next leg up to Baltimore. Mark and I are up extra early and will be leaving in about an hour to go to the airport. Evey is tired and hungry. Lucky for her there is a Dunkin' Donuts in the airport near where we will be meeting her. This is one of her favorite coffee/food places, so she is happy to think about going there when she lands. For some reason there aren't any in California, at least not in her area of Santa Clara! In Boston, home of Dunkin' Donuts, there is one on almost every corner, never more than a block or two to walk to find one. Evey got spoiled with her five years in Boston! While she's here, she can use her gift card, I guess.

I'm still learning a lot about my new iPhone4. I downloaded the free ibooks reader, which came with a complimentary, full-color version of Winnie-the-Pooh. I realized I have never really read that book all the way through, so I'm certainly going to do that. It really looks very good, even prettier than my Kindle, but a bit smaller. I'm really enjoying learning what the new phone can do. Maybe I'll even learn how to write a blog post!

1 comment:

  1. Have a wonderful time with your new phone and your daughter. You will have plenty of time to worry about your weight later--when you get done with chemo and get into your new home in Florida. Just have a great time with family and try and stay healthy for now.
