Saturday, November 27, 2010

Shul, no pool

Last night I decided to go to the synagogue this morning because I had felt so good Thursday and Friday. I still felt well this morning, so off we went. It was amazing (or ABAZING, if you are reading this and had been at our Thanksgiving dinner!). I loved seeing everyone and receiving lots of hugs,well-wishes, refuah shlayma blessings, and even an aliyah. I also got a beautiful, handmade pink afghan from Melanie's mother-in-law, and finally the sisterhood presented Mark and me with a Cabaret poster from last January that lots of people had signed. Wow! I still haven't taken the time to sit and read all the comments on that. I want to savor them at a special moment. Those times and that person (me!) seem like a decade ago.

When we got home from shul (no pool for Mark this time), we had lunch and then slept. I guess it took something out of me because I laid on the couch at 2:30 and got up at 5:30! A three hour Shabbat nap! Ha Ha! I bet I needed it.

It was time to finish making the turkey soup for tonight's dinner when I got up, so that's what I did. It's simmering right now, and I am looking forward to eating it. It smells ABAZING! ha ha you had to be there Thanksgiving for that one.



  1. I am so glad that you are still feeling good and had a good day today. The turkey soup sounds very good.

    When you have the time/energy I posted a link to a you tube video on the Cancer Care site that I think you might enjoy.

  2. Great seeing you today at Shul and hearing your voice behind me. I'm a little bit jealous. My turkey carcass is sitting in the fridge. Need to make the soup tomorrow! Keep having good days, nights--you deserve some time on the light side.
