Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Good morning! I love Thanksgiving morning. Every year I really look forward to getting up and watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Today, sitting in Cindy's house with Evey and Mark, waiting for the rest of the family to come in a bit, it is dark and damp outside, but I am watching the parade, eating a bagel with cream cheese, and really enjoying myself! I hope anyone else reading this blog is enjoying a slow, easy Thanksgiving morning also.

My sister Flyn, her husband Jim, and daughter Katie are driving up from the central VA area today to join us for dinner. Lowell will be arriving later, and my step-mother Jackie is already in town. We will have a delightful group of 9 for dinner at 5. We had no trouble picking up our kosher dinner yesterday, so we have little preparation today other than re-heating. Cindy will make some real mashed potatoes to add to the menu, but that's about all the actual cooking that needs to be done. Cindy also planned a delicious finger-food luncheon of cheese, crackers, nuts, olives, veggies, and fruit. It will be healthy and easy to serve. As people arrive, there will be plenty to nosh before dinner. This is just going to be an awesome day.

Admittedly, I am also sitting on pins and needles. I have taken my temperature twice already because I am feeling unnerved that at any moment something could happen that would send me to the ER. Of course, I know everyone is praying that it does not happen today, but until I wake up tomorrow morning in this house and not in the hospital, I am going to remain on pins and needles. If there is a blog tomorrow from ME and not Mark, you'll know I made it!

Happy, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I am blessed and I know it. I am thankful for my many blessings. I am grateful for the wonderful friends and family that are part of my life, the support and love they shower on me on a daily basis, and for this day to celebrate these blessings. May all of you feel showered with love and blessings today as well.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving Becky to you and all your fabulous family. Enjoy the day. It's good not to be too cocky so you'll protect yourself. But ... bask in the love and great food. I'm thankful that you wrote the blog today and am looking forward to your blog tomorrow describing (in great detail) all that transpires. I'm sending an extra hug for Evey. Glad she's with you for Thanksgiving.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. I can't wait to read the blog tomorrow that says you made it okay and are still at home. Have a great day!

  3. Hi Becky! A very wonderful and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. A special shout out to Evey from us here. Good to hear from you today, and looking forward to hearing more positive updates. Rachel and her boyfriend Dave are with Saul at the hospital visiting Seymour, who looked pretty good today when I saw him early this morning. Joel and Ilan also send their love to the Silverstein clan!

  4. Hi Becky,

    So glad your day is going well so far. I am also grateful that you are feeling the love, prayers and blessings from your friends and I hope that your family who will be there w/you today is feeling them, too.

    Love you all,
