Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Making the hard, but right, decisions.

Yesterday Evey had a sad phone call. Her maid-of-honor, Dana, called. Dana, who lives in Pennsylvania, had planned to take the train down to Baltimore this afternoon and stay over night with Evey. They were going to talk wedding talk and girl talk and catch up since they haven't seen each other since June. Sadly, Dana got sick. She was even throwing up. Dana also reads this blog (thanks Dana!) and knew that I should not be exposed to any germs right now. She made the hard, but right, decision to cancel her trip. I could tell from Evey's sad, crest-fallen face as she talked on the phone that something had changed. When she hung up, Evey told us the news. It was sad for her because she was looking forward to seeing her friend, but she also knew that Dana did the right thing. Dana, thanks for making this hard decision, but it was the right thing to do and I really appreciate.

I just made Mark a sugar-free, milk-free, low-carb (no crust) pumpkin pie, which is really just a custard since it has no crust. I hope it tastes ok and he likes it. I hardly ever bake or cook any more, so it was kind of fun.

In another hour we are heading to Pikesville, the town with all the kosher stores and markets, to pick up our complete turkey dinner in a box. It will be delicious, I'm sure. We are also hoping to go see the new Disney movie, Tangled, this afternoon. It opens today! We have 9 people coming for a spaghetti dinner tonight, so the movie has to end in time for Mark to get back and make the dinner. I'm sure that can be arranged.

Part of me is afraid to go to the store and the movie. Starting today my white blood cell counts and neutraphill levels will be dropping dramatically. I'm moderately concerned about staying healthy and out of the hospital, but there isn't much I can do about it if that happens. I'll go willingly to the hospital and get better again. There are no other options. Tomorrow is the big day for family get-togethers and turkey dinners. I hope everyone has a fabulous time! I plan to enjoy all of my blessings of family and friends.


  1. I can't even begin to tell you how bummed I am about not being able to come visit! I knew as soon as I didn't feel well that I should contemplate canceling, and then I was hoping it would just be a quick 24 hour bug that I'd be able to kick. Unfortunately as I sit here writing this, I still do not feel 100%. As upset as I am, I would never forgive myself if for some reason you got sick from me! (especially because your quest to be home for Thanksgiving is looking to be quite successful!) I hope you enjoy every minute of your time with Evey, I know she's been looking forward to being home for so long. She got me so excited when she text me about what she did this morning (I'm sure you know what I'm referring to) and I wished I could have been there! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and I look forward to the next time I get to see you!

    PS, your blog is something I look forward to reading everyday. You are so incredibly inspiring, I can't thank you enough for sharing every bit of your experiences with all of us! :)

  2. So sorry Evey's friend got sick and couldn't come, but she did do the right thing. I am saying extra prayers that all goes well and you are able to enjoy Thanksgiving. Hugs to Evey. I am really looking forward to seeing you on Sunday, but if you don't feel up to it, just let me know and we'll reschedule.

    Take care. Lots of love,

  3. I am praying that you had a wonderful time at the movie tonight and with your spaghetti dinner. I am also praying that you stay healthy to enjoy a wonderful time later today for Thanksgiving dinner. I am so glad that your daughter is there with you. I am sorry for her and you that her good friend got sick and could not come.

  4. Dana, Thanks for posting. I hope you feel better by today, and you really missed a good "show" yesterday. I know you know what I mean. Sorry we have to be cryptic, but we don't want to give it all away, do we? Ha ha! I know you got the photos! Have a great day with your family and we'll see you eventually. Evey said you might be able to go visit her in CA in January or February. She needs a friend out there to go to some bridal shops with her and look at things. I hope that will be YOU!! Thanks again for the decision you made.
