Sunday, November 24, 2013

Evey and Eric arrive today! YAY!!

First, let me say that I stuck to my plan yesterday and dropped that fraction of a pound. It's Sunday morning, and I'm finally back to this past Wednesday's weigh-in number of 233.4.  That makes me very happy because the challenges for this week are just gearing up today!  LOL!

Breakfast today is my usual at home, but lunch is vegetarian chili at Pollo Campero at Downtown Disney.  We will go see the movie Last Vegas this morning, and then walk over for lunch like we have done so many Sundays since we moved here.  Then we will pick up Mark's weekly comic books on our way to the airport.  Their flight lands at 4:34.  We are all going to head up to Whole Foods for some last minute items for Thanksgiving and then have dinner at Citrus Garden, the local Chinese restaurant Mark and I tried last Thursday.  It was pretty decent, so I hope the kids like it.

Lunch at Pollo Campero and dinner at Citrus Garden is guaranteed to add some water retention weight tomorrow.  Oh, well...

I might not have time to write a blog for the next several days.  I usually write them in the morning while sipping coffee, before breakfast.  With the kids here and a busy schedule, I will more likely be talking to Evey while I sip that coffee!  LOL!

Our new shower door is going to get installed between 11 and noon tomorrow, so Evey and Eric will head out early to Magic Kingdom.  We haven't decided if one of us will go with the kids and one stay behind for the glass installation, or the kids will go alone to MK and Mark and I both wait for the glass company.  Either way, whoever stays home will catch up with everyone else later.  We are staying at the park through the fireworks tomorrow night.  Tuesday we are all spending all day at Universal Studios.  We will have lunch at Krusty Burger and dinner at Lombard's.  Mark and I have done both several times.  My calories will be high both days, but the amount of walking helps out with that.  Then I'll weigh in Wednesday morning and report the results.  Keep your fingers crossed!

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