Monday, November 18, 2013

Just a quick blog

My day is going to be very busy today, so I'm not going to write a long blog. I have to get on to other chores.  I would like to say that I didn't really enjoy the Thor movie, but I LOVED the high school production of Tarzan.  It is just amazing how much talent there is out there in high school students.  We will definitely be checking out their musicals in the future.

This morning I have about three and a half hours to make a few phone calls, wrap some presents, get up to the gym for weights and a walk, practice two songs, and listen to some more of our audio book.  At noon, it's time for lunch because at 12:45 I am leaving to play Mah Jongg.  As soon as I get back from that, I have to eat an early dinner at 4 p.m. so I can be up to the Village at 5 for the final day of auditions for the Starliters solos.  That audition time will roll right into rehearsal time, getting me home about 9:30.  Crazy, long day!

Yesterday I started out having a great day, food-wise.  I stayed on my plan right up until the evening TV time.  Then I started to feel the old urge to graze and overeat.  I had planned to eat 3 cookies as a snack.  The cookies are small, but even so, they would add up to 150 calories.  Instead, I went back two more times to the cookie jar and ended up eating SIXTEEN cookies for a total of 660 calories.

You might wonder why I had cookies in a cookie jar anyway.  Well, they are left over from Friday night's dinner party.  And, no I don't have a cookie jar.  They are in a ziplok bag in the bread box!  Same thing.

My total calories for the day were 1825 instead of the 1315 originally planned.  These urges are terrible.  When they come, they are very, VERY hard to resist.  I'm sure anyone addicted to something, be it alcohol or drugs or anything else, can relate.  Alcoholics who get those urges are supposed to call a sponsor or go to a meeting. I guess drug addicts can do the same.  Foodaholics just have to learn to do something else. Weight Watchers used to talk about substituting a different activity or reward for food.  I should have tried to do that.  It's really hard to sit in the kitchen and watch TV when those urges hit because that has always been one of my biggest downfalls.  I should have gone into the bedroom to watch TV because the food isn't in that room. 

Okay, enough beating myself up.  Time to move on.  I have two days to be good until weigh-in, and I am still hoping it will be a loss for the week of at least one or two pounds.  I see no reason why I should slip up today or tomorrow. 

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