Monday, November 11, 2013

It's Veteran's Day! Let's all thank them for their service to our country.

This morning, Solivita will be honoring all the veterans at Freedom Park. It will include presenting the colors of all branches of the military and having their theme songs performed by members of Guys and Dolls and Starliters. I have done it before, but this year I am not participating.  Although it's a wonderful thing, today we are waiting for Mr. Handy contractors to come back and finish their job.  I can't leave the house until they get here, so here I sit.  The ceremony begins in ten minutes, too late for me to get up there and participate now even if he showed up this very second.  Well, there's always Memorial Day!

Our final show was a lot of fun, and the cast party was amazing; however, I overate terribly at the party.  Even though I tried to plan for what I would eat, I still lose control in buffet/party situations.  I went back for seconds and thirds.  I had WAY too much dessert.  Later, at home, I tried to estimate the calories for the day and my best estimate is 2183 at the party and a total of 3368 for the day.  UGH.  So, of course, I am up another pound today to 239.5.

Well, I now have two days with all meals at home in order to try desperately to get back to 236.5 and report that I stayed the same for the week.  What is really depressing is to realize that for an entire month, I might not show any loss at all.  There have been so many challenges with the cruise, eating out, and parties, that I have gained and lost the same few pounds all month.  Sigh.  If I was trying to maintain my weight, I guess that would be great.  Unfortunately, I'm not at that stage yet.

Today my calories should come to 1139, but it will be pretty high in sodium.  Dinner, although reasonable in calories, includes low fat hot dogs and vegetarian chili in measured portions.  Still, the day will have about 3,000 mg of sodium, which is twice what I hope for each day.  I imagine it will be hard to let go of any water retention that may be occurring with that much sodium.  I'll see how it goes in the next two days.

Now for another short article from the Diabetic Living magazine. 

Eating more fruits and vegetables causes you to lose weight.


"There are all kinds of health reasons to eat more produce.  But merely adding asparagus and apricots to your menu won't cause you to lose weight.  If you don't cut back on the less-healthful foods in your diet, you'll simply consume more calories overall."

That certainly makes sense.  It's still the overall calories eaten versus the calories burned that counts.  Of course, substituting healthier choices of fruits and vegetables for fatty, carb-laden foods IS the smart thing to do.  That's what Mark and I do.  We eat a lot of vegetables, not so much fruit.  Mark, especially, has to watch out for fruit.  Although it's healthy in terms of fiber and vitamins, it's usually so high in sugar content that he just can't metabolize it.  I eat two pieces of fruit most days, blueberries or peaches on my morning cereal and a banana at night.  Many times I might have a piece of fruit as a mid-afternoon snack.  I love a juicy peach any time of day!  We eat lots of vegetables, especially big green salads.  They fill me up with very little calories.  Mark gets his calories by adding several hundred calories of dressing on his salad. 

Still, knowing what's right and doing what's right are two entirely different things!  I'm still working on the difference, especially at parties! 

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