Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Squatter's Rights

The flight to BWI from Orlando is remarkably short. It was amazing to be leaving our house around 1 p.m. and arriving in Baltimore by 6 p.m. There was more driving and waiting than flying. If it wasn't so expensive, we would do it a lot more often! LOL

As soon as we left the airport, we drove right over to Lowell's apartment and had a nice visit with him. I always enjoy seeing him and his two roommates. They are wonderful people plus they have two great pets, Logan the German Shepherd and Pip the tabby cat. It's fun to watch them play together. We have watched Logan grow up from a puppy to this huge, friendly, nine year old dog. He's just a great dog. Mark and Lowell had fun talking about the Baltimore Comicon that Lowell attended. I had fun talking to Chris and Allison about their house-hunting expedition. We also collected mail that had come for me to Lowell's address, medical bills and insurance forms.

It was kind of odd coming into Cindy's house without her there. We knew she wouldn't be here these two days, but it still felt odd. We made a nice dinner and finally sat down to eat around 9:20 p.m. She is so amazing. Not only is she allowing us the use of her house now and for months to come, she also remembered that I wanted the bedroom re-arranged. We planned to go up there last night and move the furniture, but she had already done it. I need to be mindful of my left side and arm post-surgery. I will need to sleep on the other side of the bed than usual, but that side was currently too close to a wall for me to get in and out easily. By moving the bed, I could be on that side and have easy access in and out. Cindy, you are AWESOME!! All in all, a very good day.

This morning was weigh-in day. Last Tuesday I weighed 218 and told everyone on the blog that I expected to behave, exercise, and lose some weight. I also promised to be honest, so here's the honest truth. I started out well, and I did exercise as documented in previous blogs; however, I gained a pound and a half. This morning I was 219.5. Hm...I'm thinking it was the penne salmon in vodka sauce Thursday night and the fish 'n chips and pizza Sunday night, not to mention a lot of alcoholic drinks. Even yesterday I had about 2000 calories.

So here's to the start of another new week, another opportunity to eat right and exercise. I promise not to weigh myself for the entire week again. We are driving back to Florida tomorrow and will be there for Labor Day Weekend. When we drive back up, it will be for Rosh Hashanah services and five nights at the Rosens' house. Fun times ahead, but September 16 is looming. I'm still feeling positive and trying to focus on the here and now and not worry about what might come in the future.


  1. I find for me, it's not always about what I eat, it's about how much--portion control. I'm not very good about reining myself in--but .... I know that's what I have to start doing. You too???

    Have a great drive back to Florida and we'll see you Rosh Hashanah.

  2. Yes, portion control! Weight Watchers used to say: PFI. Portion, frequency, item. That's still true, and yet so hard to follow sometimes. Definitely going to see you at Rosh Hashanah.
