Sunday, August 22, 2010

Very bad girl

It's not Tuesday, my usual weigh-in day, but I got on the scale anyway. After what I consumed at the Indian restaurant last night, I was expecting a few pounds up. I was not disappointed.

YIKES!! I hit 223!! I haven't seen a number like that since last October. I am not doing anything I am supposed to be doing.

Things I am not doing--
1. not exercising or walking,
2. not writing anything down,
3. not tracking my weight in my notebook or on RealAge,
4. not eliminating bread and alcohol in restaurants (au contraire, I'm devouring both regularly!),
5. not planning my meals in advance,
6. not eating slowly, savoring and noticing the food.

So by not doing the things that I know I should do, that I know work for me, that I know are the right and healthy things to do, WHY should I be surprised to see this weight creep back? I guess it's because self-delusional thinking is so easy. Sure, I can have that garlic nan and mango ice cream dessert on top of the appetizers, wine, and huge potato-stuffed crepey-thing for an entree, and I won't weigh over 220 the next day. Sure, I can eat out day after day with friends and family and not gain weight. Sure, I don't need to walk an hour four or five days a week. I'll be just fine.

Guess again, Becky!! This is foolish thinking. This is the kind of behavior that got you to 322 pounds. This is the kind of behavior that has to STOP. NOW!!

I came downstairs and told Mark what I just posted here. I have to stop going to restaurants. We need to start doing the things that I know work. Having said that, we are scheduled to go to the kosher Chinese restaurant in Pikesville at 1 p.m. today with friends. So...I can still do this. I can eliminate alcohol, eschew the rice bowl, eat less than the whole portion. I could even bring half home for tomorrow. I am eating a normal breakfast and a Hungry Girl dinner that Mark is going to cook. That's good. We are now planning a long walk this afternoon. That's good.

The surgeon who is going to do the lumpectomy is the same one who yelled at me over a year ago when I saw him the first time about the hernia. He did NOT like my weight, and he made me cry about it. Of course, he was right about everything and when I saw him in November at 220 for the hernia surgery, he was quite pleased. I also thanked him for getting me motivated enough to drop that weight. He expected me to lose more weight, which I briefly did, getting down to my lowest point of 205. He hasn't said anything more about weight now that we are dealing with breast cancer. Maybe he doesn't remember, but I do.

Any of you who have read this blog from the beginning know that my way of dealing with stress is to overeat. Do you think I have just a little stress in my life right now? Moving AND breast cancer?? OY!! Still, that's no excuse, and I have to find other ways of dealing with the stress. I'm hoping that when we fly home Tuesday I can spend that week in a routine that includes eating healthy meals in the house, expending extra energy and stress by unpacking boxes, feeling happy about the new house and how it's looking, and getting into a routine of walking everyday. I hope to come back the following week with a nice week's weight loss in preparation for the pre-op scheduled for August 31. The date of the actual surgery cannot be far away.

Those of you who read this blog regularly will find out how I do. You know I won't lie or hold it back. The point of this blog is to tell it all no matter how embarrassing!


  1. Hello! Well I have to admit - it's hard not to say hell, you have every right to eat what you want with everything going on! However, I know that you are trying to stay healthy and on track, so I will instead be the pushy cheerleader - YOU CAN DO IT!!!! 1/2 plates, remind yourself that you are going to beat this cancer thing so therefore, you have to stay on task. You can do it!!! I am happy to hear that the cancer is not in both breasts and that there are no additional spots. Sounds like you and Callista are somewhat in the same boat with the diagnosis. I am praying and thinking of you both. There is a quote by Mother Theresa that God onlys gives us what we can bear...he obviously has a lot of faith in your faith in him and he knows your faith will get you through this all! Love - Denise

  2. Hi Denise,
    I have heard the Mother Theresa quote before. I have even said it myself about me and to others. I have also heard someone say, "Why did I give God this impression? I should have been a slacker." LOL Cheerleading is good. I've known lots of wonderful cheerleaders over the years. I guess I never realized I was going to need my own personal ones, but it's good to know they are out there. Love you lots, keep the cheers coming, and looking forward to your baked ziti soon. Becky

  3. Been there, done all of that.
    1. Forgive yourself for indulging and move on-tomorrow is a fresh start!
    2. Give up ther easy stuff-alcohOl, rice, 2nd helpings
    3.Move, move, move. Up the exercise. Get back to walking. Get in the pool.
    4. So easy to say this, not easy to do when you are an emotional eater-WHICH I AM
    5. Remember you may love the taste of something but are u still hungry for food or for the taste.


  4. All true. I went to the kosher Chinese restaurant for lunch and ate it all: brown rice, veggie egg roll, chicken corn soup, and hunan chicken. At least the lunch portion was small. Had planned to skip the rice and bring half the chicken home and skip the egg roll. Did NONE of that. At least Mark and I are headed out the door to walk for half an hour now. You are right about what to do. Knowing and doing it are two different things, and I'm totally an emotional eater also. Thanks, Robin, for the advice. Keep giving it.

  5. So frustrating. Easy to go into denial and say that it can't be happening--but that's not your style. The good news is, you know how great it feels to take the weight off. When you get HOME to Florida this week, you'll settle into a routine and the food and exercise will follow. Robin's right--move on--make a fresh start, and I'll add--drink lots of water--something I forget to do.

  6. Drink water is something I thought of right after I sent out this post. It's good that both you and Robin reminded me of it. Yesterday I drank three big glasses of water.
