Monday, December 27, 2010

Dodging the bullet

The snow stayed away for the most part from our area. We have less snow out there this morning than we did that day I drove to the hospital for hours and hours. Cindy had no trouble driving out to Westminster and back. She said the roads were clear the whole way. I don't even think we'll have to shovel the sidewalk. I'm not complaining!

The biggest thing about today is the WIND! It is insane. It's howling and the trees are bending and whipping around. These windows in this house are old with little to no insulation. I can feel the drafts coming through because the wind is so strong. I'm really appreciating the new shawl I got from my friend Georganne. I wore it all day yesterday, and I have it on while I'm typing this blog.

I didn't intend to do it, but I just couldn't resist. I watched the whole movie, Sound of Music, last night on TV. I love that movie! Who doesn't? In fact when it was nearly over I couldn't resist downloading the book written by the oldest daughter (not named Liesl actually, but Agathe). It's her autobiography, and it's starting out as a pretty easy read. I couldn't put it down for quite awhile last night. Another thing I learned last night is that their birth mother was British, so Agathe and her OLDER brother Rupert spoke perfect English as well as German. She thought this was quite a blessing since they ended up in the U.S. Also their mother died of scarlet fever. Interesting tidbits for any other SOM fans that might be reading this. One other little tidbit and then I'll stop for today: he did use a whistle to call them and they did each have their own signal! Agathe says that they all liked their whistles, and unlike in the movie, they were not required to stand at attention in formation. The house and grounds were very large, and no one could hear when they were called by voice. Only the whistle carried far enough and through the heavy wooden doors of the house. I guess it worked well in a pre-pager/intercom/cell phone era!

I was supposed to get together with an old friend from high school days who is visiting her family on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. She lives in Seattle now. I don't know if that's going to happen today. Although we have little snow on our side of the Bay, she called yesterday and said they were getting quite a lot of snow! She has to be at Reagan National Airport at 4 p.m. this afternoon, so I think she should just play it safe and not try to rush over to Annapolis to meet me for brunch or lunch first. As much as I would like to see her, the weather is going to be a factor for her. Better be safe, I think. OK, I just got off the phone with Denise, and we have canceled our get-together for today. Her brother got a flat tire last night in the blizzard and has to get a new tire today. That's going to take some time and he's her only ride. They'll be thankful if they can just get that new tire and get to Reagan National in time. Good luck with all of that and have a safe flight back to Seattle, Denise! We'll get together another time.

My C Diff appears to be gone! YAY! I say "appears" because until I'm off the Flagyl for more than four or five days and it does not come back I won't really believe it. I will be on the Flagyl through the end of this week. I even ate sauerkraut for lunch yesterday. I had oatmeal and two Activia yogurts for breakfast, like I've been doing every morning. I bought another loaf of sourdough bread at the store yesterday also. I plan to keep eating the pro- and pre-biotic foods for at least two weeks beyond the end of the antibiotics. I am really praying and hoping that this time it's really working.

Tomorrow I start cycle 7! Whoee!! The end is really in sight now. When I see the doctor tomorrow, I am going to ask her several questions about the C Diff. I'm wondering how many times I can actually go on Flagyl. I'm also wondering whether or not I can take the pill Florastor that is highly recommended by so many people. I'm also going to ask if she'll write me another undated prescription for the Flagyl just in case! It sure came in handy this last time. I'll let you know tomorrow what she says about all of this.

Try to stay safe and warm wherever you might be.


  1. Hi Becky,

    Sounds like you are having a full and enjoyable end of December - good friends, food, & stable health. How wonderful! All my girls will be in town soon and I can't wait. My new saying is "I'm a firm believer in the shtetel." It is so hard to get everyone together these days.

    I'll be thinking of you during your next treatment and hoping that all goes well so that you'll be in sunny FL asap.


  2. I am so glad that you are feeling better from the c-diff. I heard about the big storms in your section of the country and was wondering how much snow you got. We are pretty cold today but only have about 4 inches of snow. We missed some big snow that others close to us went through the past couple of days. It is great that all this cold weather will soon be a memory for you. Before you know it you will be on your cruise. I am excited for you. I am really having fun with the new Wii I got for Christmas. I have never had one and I love it.

    Have a good day.

  3. Enjoy your Wii. We bought one for the holidays last year, but it is in Florida. I got Mark the new Epic Mickey game for his Wii, and he's looking forward to getting back to Florida so he can play it! I had planned to exercise with it, and I think I had better to stick to that plan when we get home.

  4. Becky,
    I just caught up with entries in your blog and am glad to see that you're feeling better and nearing the end of your treatment. I'd love to see you again before your return to Florida if you're in this area. In any event,please know that I think of you often and wish you a happy HEALTHY New Year. Love, Ellen
