Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

It's Christmas morning and there is snow falling lightly outside the window. It's only supposed to be some flurries, but it's pretty. I'm sure all the kids who are celebrating Christmas with their families and opening their presents are thrilled to see the snow flakes.

I had a great time playing Mah Jongg with my girlfriends yesterday. We were at Robin's house, and Arlene, Annie, Wendy, Robin, and I played. With 5 players, someone has to rotate out after every game. I played all the games but one. I also won only one game, but that's OK with me. I just like to play and socialize. Arlene was the big winner. I think she won four or five times. How does she do that? We also had great food! Thanks to everyone for the great afternoon. Also thanks for the presents! I almost felt like it was my birthday. Annie got me a beautiful Florida calendar. Robin gave me a gorgeous teal shirt for our upcoming cruise. Arlene brought me a Mickey Mouse pen set and notebook. So cute. You girls did not need to get me presents, but it was an unexpected and much enjoyed surprise. Thanks again!!

When I got home last night around 5:30, my step-mother Jackie was there. It's always good to see her. I just see her maybe at Thanksgiving and Christmas anymore, so it's a pleasure. Mark prepared a fabulous dinner, so we all stuffed ourselves silly. good. After the dinner, Jackie, Cindy, and I watched the movie Must Love Dogs with John Cusack and Diane Lane. It wasn't as good as the book, which I just finished reading a few days ago. Still, I like John Cusack, so it was fun to watch him.

Today Mark and I have a Christmas tradition. We watch the Disney Very Merry Christmas Parade on TV. It's on from noon to 2, so then we'll head over to Kip and Denise's house for presents and dinner. Kip, Denise, Kip's children Emily and Logan, our son Lowell, Cindy, and Jackie will all be there. It's been our tradition to get together with the Christian side of my family every Christmas, so we have never missed one. Sadly, our other brother Mark and his wife Carol, who live in Myrtle Beach, can rarely join us. Also this year my sister Flyn and her family Jim and Katie were not going to be able to come up from Virginia. We mailed them their presents earlier. Evey and Eric are safely in New Hampshire with Eric's family. I'm sure they are having a great morning of presents. I know she is well-loved and cared for with the Gaertners, even though I miss her.

Unfortunately Flyn called yesterday to tell me that Jim is in the hospital with a kidney stone. He went in through the ER in a Richmond, VA hospital on Thursday. The doctors tried to remove it with surgery but were unsuccessful. OUCH! He had a stent placed, and they expect him to get released later today. He is on pain killers but doing better, and they are hoping he will pass the kidney stone soon on his own in a few days. Sadly that meant cancelling their Christmas dinner guests, not to mention making Christmas at their house this morning less than satisfactory! I think Flyn and Katie were going to go to the hospital this morning and hope he gets released quickly. I never found that hospitals do anything quickly, so I bet they get home in the late afternoon. Tough day for all of them. Jim, if Flyn reads this I hope she'll tell you that we are sending our prayers and good wishes for a speedy and complete recovery.

So let's all be thankful for what we have today. We have warm homes, good food, and loving family and friends. Most of us have reasonably good health, and those of us who are struggling with that are at least improving. I send a very Merry Christmas greeting to everyone who reads this blog and celebrates Christmas. Even though I am Jewish, I enjoy the warmth and special feelings that come with getting together with the Christian family today. Enjoy the day!


  1. Great fun yesterday11 See you next Friday. Stay well!1 Evan and I are off to see True Grit at 11 AM so he can spend late afternoon with his girlfriend and her family. I am fine as long as I have electricity!!!

  2. Merry Christmas! Have a wonderful day today. I am cooking dinner now and after dinner I am going to hook up the Wii system that my husband surprised me with. It has the Wii Sports game with it so I am looking forward to some fun exercise this afternoon. I am so glad that you are still doing alright.

  3. Had a marvelous time playing yesterday--didn't hurt that I won--but I would have been happy just spending time with friends--and since I don't see you nearly enough--you, Becky. So glad your cold stayed on the light side and you've been able to enjoy all the fun this season brings. Looking forward to 2011 when health issues will make way for a cruise, return home to Florida, and a wedding. Sounds like a good plan.

  4. I've been busy with Christmas - rehearsed and sang with Dick's choir for Christmas Eve service. Then we did Shabbat dinner - what a lovely crazy life we have - lots to celebrate. Then we decorated the house to surprise Nicole and her beau and filled the stockings and wrapped the last gifts. Of course, the kitties had to "help". Today was cook, eat, open gifts, and clean up. I took a nap in the middle, so I'm just finishing up. Hope your cold is better. Belated Happy Anniversary and Merry Christmas. Sorry to hear about Jim. Dick has had serious problems with kidney stones, so I can empathize with the family. I will keep him in my prayers.
    Lots of love and best wishes,
