Thursday, December 2, 2010

Feeling amazing

Except for some discomfort from the C diff, I feel amazing this morning. I do not feel nauseous or tired, and so far I have no joint pain. I actually feel myself today. I hope it lasts.

We are heading out now to the post office, Starbucks, the comic book shop, the cancer center for my neulasta shot, Pern's Hebrew book store for Texas Hold'em Dreidle supplies, and Seven Mile Market for tonight's dinner fixings. I can't wait to do all of this feeling as spry as I do!!

I have heard from another BC woman that she never had a reaction to the neulasta shot after the A/C treatments, just like me, BUT she did get terrible joint pains and achiness about 24 hours after the shot with the Taxol treatments. She said it wasn't terrible the first time, but really bad the final three. She actually had to take Percosets to cope with the pain. I was told I can have that drug if I want it. I took my Celebrex and non-drowsy Claritin at 7:30 a.m. and will take another Celebrex at 7:30 p.m. I will follow this regiment for five days, and hopefully it will lessen the chance of severe joint aches.

Tonight we have our big Hanukkah party for 8. There will be pictures and details posted on tomorrow's blog. Happy Hanukkah to everybody who celebrates! May your candles bring you the light of peace, freedom, and love.


  1. I am thrilled that you are feeling so well except for the C-diff. I am so glad that your dr got you started on meds this time before you got dehydrated again. I was also so happy to hear that they will give you Percocet during the Taxol if you need it.The only really bad memory I had during my Taxotere (same family) 8 1/2 years ago was when I thought I was going to flunk a drug test for a new job that I was starting while I was on the Taxotere. It was after the first few doses of Taxotere when I was starting so I already knew what my side effects were. I had some back pain that was pretty severe for me and just took some Percocet that I had left from the surgery. When I called up the oncologist's nurse to see if they would write me a note for the drug test she said no--you'll just have to get a job somewhere else. Well I ended up calling the health service and telling them the story and they were going to give me a pass on it with the approval of the medical director but the Percocet didn't end up even showing up on the drug screen so all was well. I have a different oncologist now than back and my current one is much nicer. I think that keeping up on the Celebrex whether you hurt or not is such an excellent idea. Maybe you won't even need to worry about more Percocet.

    Well have a wonderful time at your Hanukkah celebration tonight with everyone there.

  2. Hi Becky,

    I am so glad that you feel good today. This is excellent news!
    I hope it continued tonight and continues through the weekend. And also next week.

    Well, I am calling it a night for me. "A night" :-)

