Sunday, December 26, 2010

Happy Day-After-Christmas!

We are sitting here this morning at 8:20 a.m. wondering where the snow is. Last night they promised that it would start at 4 a.m. and there would be 6-10 inches by Monday morning at 6 a.m. This morning when I got up at 7:30, I eagerly peeked through the blind to see the snow. No snow! I put the news on and learned that it's still coming. Some places south and north of us already have it, but our amounts are downgraded to 4-8 inches now. No word about when it's supposed to start or stop now. I guess I'm pleased that there will be less snow, less work for us to do shoveling tomorrow. Still, we have canceled our plans to go visit our friends Rudy and Georganne today. We have put that off to next Sunday. Cindy and Jackie still plan to drive to Westminster to visit a cousin/nephew and his family. Cindy is a hardier driver than I am, I guess.

I hope everyone had a great day yesterday no matter what they were doing. We had a perfect day. Mark and I really enjoyed relaxing around the house in the morning and then watching the Disney parade from noon to 2 before heading to Kip and Denise's house. We had 9 people altogether, a nice present exchange, then a fabulous dinner followed by way too many delicious desserts. I had too much, but then what else is new!

Around 10:15 or so, Mark and I will run up to the grocery store to get two or three things we need. If there was a blizzard going on right now, we could do without all of these things, but the snow hasn't started yet. I think we'll have plenty of time to safely go shop and get back. The worst of our storm is now predicted to happen between 3 p.m. and midnight.

My cold is not gone but it's not worse. I think it's going to be gone by the end of this week, and it has not caused me any more problems than any person not on chemotherapy would experience. This week begins cycle 7 of the chemo. Wow! It's really coming down to the end. Back in September I never thought it would end. In less than five weeks we'll be heading up to NY for a wedding and then on to Florida. We are still on track to arrive home on February 1. I cannot WAIT!!

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