Sunday, December 12, 2010

I could do anything.

Ben's concert was amazing last night. His voice is beautiful; that goes without saying. What was really impressive was his phrasing, his diction, and his emotional delivery of each piece. He really put his entire soul into each song, so expressive! He performed an entertaining mix of styles in several different languages, and the projection of the translations on a screen was also excellent. Mark and I got there right at the last minute, so we were in the very last row of seats. Yet we had no trouble reading the screen because the print was nice and big. I understand we have Rachel to thank for that. Thanks, Rachel! I have to add that Rachel and Ben are a very cute couple, too.

Mark and I also really loved seeing so many of our MT friends. The place was packed, and we had ample time when the concert was over to socialize with people we had not seen in awhile. It was quite delightful, despite the rainy, foggy weather and the hour-long drive each way. Mark commented that he really has a new appreciation for Cindy's support of our many activities at the synagogue over the years. She was always willing to do that hour-long drive each way to come to anything we invited her to over the years. One more way that Cindy is amazing.

One unexpected, yet heart-warming thing occurred at the beginning of the show. Our good friend Jeff was the MC for the evening. Apparently he noticed when Mark and I were getting our tickets, last minute, at the door. When he came out to start the show, he introduced me, saying a "great lady" has come in. He went on to say more and suddenly the whole audience was applauding ME! Ha Ha!! I sure never expected that. At first I just smiled and waved at Jeff from my last row seat, but then the applause kept continuing and everyone was looking. I felt I needed to stand up and acknowledge it, so I did and blew Jeff a kiss for such a nice thing. It was totally unexpected, but I could feel a lot of love coming my way. Thank you to everyone who was there last night for that round of applause (just for showing up, and showing up last minute at that! LOL) and for the positive energy I could feel in the room on my behalf. It was truly touching.

Mark has a long list of chores to do today, but I don't. In fact I didn't even get out of bed until 9:45. I think that's a new record for me. It was rainy and dreary and dark in the room. No incentive to get out of bed! Now it's nearly noon, and I'm still in my nightgown and robe. I actually love this nightgown and robe, soft and warm, so once again there is really no incentive to change. I'm not going anywhere today. My plan is to read, listen to some more Beatles' songs on the iPhone, and watch Mark do chores! He is doing laundry, shopping, working on grading the comic books from the garage in preparation for selling, making some phone calls, catching up on emails, running up and down the steps a million times for various things, cooking; GEEZ, I'm getting exhausted just typing all this. I, on the other hand, am sitting in my chair watching him run around. No wonder he looks like he does, and I look like I do!! LOL

I did take another 30 minute walk yesterday. It wasn't even that cold, so it was fun. If it stops raining today, I might get dressed and do the same today. I really should because that's the only way to get my strength back and burn up some more calories. I feel completely normal again today, and that's an excellent thing. Except for the physical changes (no hair, half a breast, and a port under my skin), I really don't feel like I have cancer today. I feel like I could do anything. Hm...I think I'll listen to some more Beatles' music!


  1. Good for you. Sorry to miss the concert. I hope you can play Mahj over the XMAS break.

  2. It was great seeing you at the concert. Yes, Ben was awesome! I'm glad you have these good days as memories to help you get through the tough times.


  3. I am so glad that you had such a great time at the concert. It is great that you got recognized by your friend the MC. I am glad that you are feeling so good today. Listening to the Beatles sounds good to me. Have a good rest of the day.
