Friday, August 18, 2017

Day after extraction. up three pounds! LOL

So the weight loss didn't really get started for some reason.  It just shows how nuts my body is.

I ate only 795 calories yesterday consisting mostly of Light Ensure (80 calories a bottle), yogurt, sugar free jello, and applesauce.  And I am up three pounds this morning!  I was stunned when I stepped on the scale because I was happily anticipating another pound gone.  I may have actually screamed out loud at the scale.  Ridiculous.

I have now programmed my meals into the Lose It! app for today.  It looks like I might consume a whopping 955 calories today.  I am still hoping that those three pounds, and maybe one more, will magically disappear by tomorrow morning.

Yesterday I followed all the instructions from the oral surgeon.  I kept ice on my face, 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off, from about 4 p.m. until bedtime.  I took the Tylenol 3 at 3 p.m. and again at 7 p.m.  I was ragingly sick to my stomach from 8 to 11 p.m.  I realized I was not in pain, so I did not take anymore at bedtime nor any this morning.  I'm done with those.  I still  have Clindamycin, the antibiotic, to take three times a day for a week.  Unfortunately, the 7 a.m. pill this morning has also made me ragingly nauseous.  Maybe it was the antibiotic yesterday all along and not the Tylenol 3.  More likely the combination of both was especially bad.  I can't ditch the antibiotic, so I am just going to have to live with the sick feeling.

I am SO glad that we cancelled the Charleston trip for the solar eclipse.  It's sad not to see a total eclipse once in your lifetime when the opportunity was right there, but my food restrictions and sick feeling just made it sound less desirable.  Instead we will stay home and see an 80% eclipse.  That'll be good enough.  We can also watch it on TV.  It might rain here and in Charleston anyway, so then the trip would have been for nothing.

Meanwhile, I saw that the package of eclipse glasses we got was actually a set of TEN glasses!  I was able to give the extra eight away in just a few minutes.  Ed Goldberg came to pick up a pair and said they were completely unavailable anywhere and that I could have sold each one for a million bucks!  I'm sure he was exaggerating, but it never occurred to me to try to sell them. It's better to just give them away and let people enjoy the experience!  I am happy that I could give them away to neighbors and friends so quickly.  It's one of the wonderful things about Solivita, the great neighbors and friends!

Since I'm still supposed to be resting and minimizing movement for the tooth along with minimizing talking for the nodes, I did not go to water aerobics with Mark today.  I'm staying home until 12:30 when the cleaning people will come.  Then I'm driving up to the Palms to sit in their lovely, air-conditioned lobby to read Dave Herschler's new book on the Kindertransport and our friend Ralph Mollerick, one of the Kind.  It should be excellent, and I'm looking forward to reading it and learning about Ralph's life.

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