Saturday, August 26, 2017

Still up but a little down.

I was up four pounds yesterday to 280.7 yesterday and blamed it on sodium with subsequent water retention.  Today I am down two of those pounds to 278.5, although it's still up almost two since Wednesday.  I stayed on track yesterday, logging in all the food with a calorie count of 1445, sodium at 1990 mg, and a half hour of lap swimming in the pool.  I guess that's why I dropped two of the four pounds, but I was still disappointed.  I really thought that would take all the four pounds away.  Sigh.

Still, I feel strong and committed to sticking to this.  Clearly I cannot lose weight the way I did all those previous times, the most recent one being in 2009 when an average daily calorie count of 1200 per day allowed me to drop 122 pounds in 12 months.  I just don't seem to be able to do that now even though I'm keeping the calories low.  I admit I'm not going to work anymore or walking as much, so maybe that coupled with being 7 years older is causing this.  Clearly, I can't change my age, but I can step up the exercise.

Since I have no more restrictions on moving around, exercise it is!

We are heading out to the synagogue in an hour, but when we come home, I will need to go out for a walk.  Rain is no excuse since we have treadmills and an indoor walking track.

Meanwhile, I am thinking of my dad today, Billie Getson Meese, who died on August 20, 1988 at age 62 of a heart attack.  Today is the nearest Shabbat to the anniversary of his death on the Hebrew calendar, so that means saying a special prayer called Mourner's Kaddish at the synagogue.  A few nights from now on the actual anniversary of his death by the Hebrew calendar, I will light a 24 hour burning memorial candle called a Yahrzeit light.  He was a great man whom I miss all the time.

Here's a fun picture of Daddy letting Lowell, maybe age 5 or 6, drive the tractor at his farm in Weston, WV.  Those were some fun times!  What's really hard to believe is that Daddy could not have been more than 58 or 59 years old at this point if Lowell was about 6.  Lowell was 9 when Dad died at age 62.  Here I am at 67 already.  Just goes to show that people all age differently.

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