Monday, October 16, 2017

Can't figure out the sugar readings!

Yesterday I reported that I had a blood sugar reading of 107, the first time it was over 100 in a week.  This morning the reading was 99.  That made no sense to me, since I overate at dinner at our friends' house.  My best guess is that I ate about 250 carbs for the day and 2,000 calories!  I fully expected a reading in the upper 120s this morning, but no.  99.  Weird.

I got through the whole day yesterday with no pain pill or muscle relaxer.  I am happy about that.  I did take the NSAID, Meloxicam, at 8 a.m. and again when we got home last night at 10 p.m.  I will take them until they are gone, which will be 8 more days.  It says "as needed" on the bottle, but I fully believe that the anti-inflammatory properties are very helpful not only to my back but to my right knee.  I have had stiffness from arthritis in that knee for several years, and currently, that knee has never felt better!

Mark worked very hard to print out the last two years of medical records for me from the CD we got from the previous doctor's office.  Today we will take that up to the new doctor's office and hope they will use it to look through and fill out the insurance claim form correctly.

I sat and read through the records and found something interesting.  Before my eyelid surgery, I had a pre-op chest x-ray.  I was never told the results, but I read them for myself in the files.  It said I have  "degenerative change about the shoulders and along the thoracic spine with mild kyphosis."  WOW!

I did not know the word kyphosis, so I looked it up.  It can mean a fracture from arthritis.  I wonder if that happened back in 1991 when I had that wall collapse on my head, although they told me in the ER that day that they didn't see anything on the X-rays, so it probably is something that happened since then.  The radiologist also recommended a followup, although that was never ordered.  That seems like something I should have been told.  I've had tingling on and off for years in my right hand.  I also sometimes have stiffness or pain in the back of my neck.  I bet I have arthritis in there, too, but no one ever told me.  Interesting.  I'm going to ask Dr. Dunn about a follow up when I see her on October 26.

Our plan for today is to go to water aerobics again this morning.  I hope it's helping.  I'm sure it's not hurting.  Then we'll also take a giant box of Mark's old work papers from Goddard up to the shred truck.  Every time the shred truck has come to Solivita, we have been unable to get up there.  Finally, he had the time to go through the box and take the box up there today.  I'm excited to get a box of paper out of the garage!

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