Saturday, October 14, 2017

Shabbat Shalom

Mark will be reading Haftarah for Genesis (Bereshit) at shul this morning.  It's always exciting when we start the Torah over!  I'm always so proud to listen to him reading because he sounds beautiful and gets lots of compliments.

I am up two pounds from Thursday, and I'm not sure why.  I have kept my calories around 1300 every day and went to water aerobics yesterday.  My weight was 268.8 this morning, which is two pounds higher than Thursday and one pound up from yesterday.  That is not going in the direction I want.  I guess 1300 calories is not low enough if I'm not exercising much.  I had a lot of pain behind my right hip yesterday during the water aerobics, so I didn't really move very fast or very much.  I probably didn't really burn many calories.

This morning my hip is hurting, but honestly, it is the least it has hurt first thing in the morning since this whole thing started last Friday.  I am grateful for that.  The pain is entirely coming from the sciatic nerve radiating out behind my right hip and into the buttock.  It's annoying and hinders walking a little bit, but as I said already, it's actually less painful right now than it has been the last week.  All the pills are helping!

My blood sugar reading this morning was 96, perfectly normal for the seventh day in a row!  WOW!  I still have no idea why it was elevated for six straight weeks and now it's normal for an entire week.  Absolutely no explanation for this.  I ate 183 carbs yesterday, too, the most I've had for this week, and I'm still normal.  My plan is to keep testing first thing in the morning at least through October 26 when I see my family doctor again.  I am just hoping I could drop these two extra pounds and maybe one or two more by then as well.  I know Dr. Dunn would be very happy with me!

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