Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Weigh-in Wednesday

Last week I gained some and this week I lost exactly that same amount, making me weigh 267.4 this morning, exactly the same as two weeks ago.  I will take that, although I admit a bit of disappointment.  I've been on Prednisone now, so that can definitely cause weight gain.  I'm happy I actually lost some this week.  Now to push even lower!

I picked up another new drug yesterday at CVS, an NSAID that I've not had before, Meloxicam. It made me a little foggy headed just like everything else I'm taking.  On the plus side, my back feels much better this morning!  It's not perfect, but I can walk at a more normal pace through the house, and I'm not using the cane.  Definite improvement.

I talked to my friend Susan, so yoga instruction should begin next week.  I'm actually excited for that, and I went to water aerobics yesterday, which was fun.  I was able to do the entire 40 minute routing with only a few modifications.  I could not do the twisting motions, so when it said jump and twist, I just jumped up and down straight.  I know I also did it slower than the tempo set, and I was not jogging in the water as fast as I used to.  Doesn't matter.  I was in the water and moving for  40 minutes, and I was very happy.

Today we are heading back to do water aerobics again.  Then we are going up to the doctor's office to pick up the two forms he filled out.  One is for the Travel Guard insurance claim and the other is to get a handicapped tag from the DMV.  If we have time and energy, we will go to the DMV today to apply, but we might put that off until tomorrow.  No rush on it, especially considering how I feel this morning.

I'm shocked that I feel this good this morning because I felt like I overdid it yesterday.  After aerobics, we went to CVS for the new med, and then we had only an hour at home to eat lunch and plan a rehearsal before going back to the Cove for a two hour rehearsal with the Cove Singers.  I love doing those rehearsals, but my right arm was almost useless by then.  I couldn't move it almost at all without severe pain.  This arm has been hurting since we got on the train on July 10.  I have no idea why and all these anti-inflammatories, pain meds, and muscle relaxers, while working great on the back, don't seem to help the arm at all.  When I got home from that around 5:30 I was seriously DONE IN!  I couldn't move my arm; my back hurt; and I could barely stay awake.  At that point, I just sat in my chair with the heating pad and took more drugs and went to bed at 11.

Then there is this morning. My arm is hurting less.  I can lit it up without much pain, although it still doesn't want to reach around behind my back.  And my back feels nearly normal!  I realize this could all just be a manifestation of the many drugs I'm on, but I'll take it.

Barbara K, if you read this blog, here is my drug list.  I know you are on a great Canadian cruise right now and I am not.  Maybe you'll have some wi-fi and check up on me or maybe you'll see this later.  But I'm listing the drugs just for you to check that these can all co-exist nicely together.  I don't think I've ever been taking so many things all in one day!  I'm going to send you an email as well to check on this.  Thanks.  Love you!

Meloxicam 7.5 mg twice a day, taking at 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.

Tramadol 50 mg, two times a day, taking at 10 a.m., and 6 p.m

Orphenadrine 50 mg, twice a day, taking at 10 a.m. and 10 p.m.

Prednisone  20 mg, once a day, taking at 1:30 p.m  Wednesday is the last one.  it was a five day course.

Those are my new meds.  In addition to all of those new ones, here is what I take every night all at the same time at about 11 p.m.

Allopurinol 300 mg
Tizanidine 4 mg
Atorvastatin 10 mg
Anastrozole 1 mg
Vitamin D 1000 units
Vitamin B6  100 mg
Ranitidine 300 mg
Flonase 50 mcg
Tums, two extra strength for 1500 mg
Gummy Multi-Vitamin

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