Thursday, October 19, 2017

Flexeril and Rotator Cuff

Since we got on the coast-to-coast train on July 10 to visit Evey and Eric, I have had a painful right shoulder.  I suspect I picked up the heavy backpack one-handed at some point along the five day train ride.  In over three months, it has shown no improvement.

Yesterday, after water aerobics, one of the regulars, Diane, suggested it might be a rotator cuff tear.  She's a recently retired RN and had rotator cuff surgery herself, so I believe her.  I tried to call her orthopedist in Celebration to get an appointment, but they only had an answering machine.  No one ever called back.  I hope to have a chance to call them back later today.

I was in a good bit of pain when I got up yesterday, so Diane suggested I really should start the Flexeril, a strong muscle relaxer.  Since I had no other plans for the day, I took one at 1:45 p.m. after lunch.  It made me kind of queasy to my stomach, and I also got very, very sleepy.  In fact, I slept in bed from 3-5 p.m.  Then, in the middle of the night, at 2:30 a.m., I took another one.  Diane was right.  I got up this morning in far less pain than at any time in the last two weeks!  Of course, I can barely keep my eyes open as I t type this blog. LOL!!

Susie is picking me up at 8:45 to go to Mah Jongg until noon.  After a fast lunch, Mark and I are going back to another lecture in the ballroom at 1 p.m.  This one is "History of Film Through the Decades: 1900-1920s."  Even though it sounds great, I am afraid I'm going to doze through it. LOL

Then tonight we are going put to the ballroom again for the movie night.  The Hero is a movie Mark has been wanting to see for awhile, so he's excited for it.  I hope I stay awake.  LOL

I'm not going to take anymore Flexerils until 11 p.m. at bedtime because then I can just go to sleep and wake up more limber and in less pain.  That's what Diane does and it works great for her.  She also takes the Tramadol right along with it at bedtime with no problems.  I haven't tried that yet, but I am considering doing it tonight.

My blood sugar was a perfect 98 this morning on 1234 calories and 142 carbs.  My weight was still exactly 266, like yesterday.  It was a good day in that respect.

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