Wednesday, January 12, 2011

This is IT!!!!

I loved spending the night in the hotel last night. The giant king-sized bed was very comfortable, and we kept the temperature nice and warm. I have always loved going to hotels, so this was quite lovely. Since we moved into Cindy's house on Sept. 13, we haven't slept anywhere else.

The snow was as predicted, about four inches in most of the Baltimore area. The road crews were out all night clearing and salting, so there are no real issues with getting out of this hotel and driving the three miles back to the hospital. The local schools are all having two hour delays, which means it really isn't that bad out there. I bet my teacher friends are disappointed they didn't get the day off! I can see the main road from my hotel window, and it's quite clear with traffic running just fine. I'm still glad we stayed here because it chopped nearly 7 miles off the drive, plus we still don't know what it might have looked like up on Cindy's street and in her neighborhood. I paid for peace of mind and proud of it.

Today is the day!! I brought my camera, so Mark is going to be taking pictures. It's the day I really never believed would come back in October when this process started. It's the last chemotherapy infusion. I am excited!!

We will leave here about 9 a.m. to go clear the car off and drive the three miles back to the hospital. This is the first time I am walking into the cancer center feeling happy and excited. I remember the first time I went for chemo in October; I felt afraid, anxious, nervous. I dreaded it, but I am in a totally different place today. I am sure that all people going through this sort of thing can relate to my feelings today.

At St. Agnes they have a tradition after your last chemotherapy infusion that I will participate in today, and Mark will take some pictures of it. I'll post the pictures and explain the tradition tomorrow. This way you have something to look forward to in tomorrow's blog.

I also sent my oncologist, the nurses, and all the staff at the cancer center a HUGE Edible Arrangement that should arrive today at 1 p.m. I'll still be sitting in the chair getting my last Taxol when it is delivered. Hopefully Mark will get a picture of it when it arrives. During my first hospital stay, I was thinking about this day. I was trying to think of something nice to give the people at the cancer center for all their tender care during this time. Originally I had planned to find a nice photo that my soon-to-be son-in-law, Eric, had taken. I was going to print it out, mount it nicely, add a poem, frame it, and present it. I also briefly considered singing a song, but I threw that out the window because it would take rehearsal time and energy that I did not know that I would have. (REALLY glad I'm not doing THAT today!) Suddenly it was yesterday and I had done nothing, so I thought of how much I liked the two Edible Arrangements I received during this time, one from Evey and one from Lowell's Emily. So in the hotel last night I ordered it, but I also remembered that during that stay in the hospital I had actually jotted down a short poem on an index card. Better yet, I found that index card knotted up in the bottom of my purse, so I dictated it to the girl on the phone taking my order. It will be on the card when the fruit arrives today. Here is what will be on the card:

To Dr. Griffiths, the nurses, and staff at the St. Agnes Chemotherapy Center

The way is long and quite unfair.
You sit and wonder how you got there,
But the angels of St. Agnes are by your side
To walk with you and be your guide.

Thank you for all you have done for me,
Rebecca Silverstein

One other exciting thing happened yesterday. I finally saw Robin B., another of my high school friends. I had not seen her since graduation, and I'm pretty sure she did not remember me at all! Only a little while ago, when going out to Kelsey's with Don and Sharon, did I learn she and her twin sister Evelyn were both nurses at the St. Agnes chemo center. All this time I had never run into her. When she walked in to the area yesterday while I was waiting to have my blood drawn, I recognized her right away, but I didn't say anything. She walked out. I asked the other nurses if that was Robin, and they said yes, but they didn't know her maiden name. When I asked if she had a twin named Evelyn, they said yes. Then I knew it was her. When she came back, we had a nice talk. In fact she was serving as my doctor's nurse that day in place of the usual one, so she learned ALL about me. Ha Ha!! She has worked there for over 30 years. Her twin Evelyn also worked there almost as long, but is now retired. I have to say Robin looked wonderful and just like I remember her in high school. Although I remembered her well, I could tell she really did not remember me. She asked more than once what my name was again and said several times she would get her old yearbook out and look me up. That's OK. I'm pretty sure I don't look anything like I did back then. Well, I had hair then for one thing, but I'm also much fatter!! Still I enjoyed my conversation with her.

Well, I'm off to the hotel breakfast and then to clear the car for the short drive to the hospital. This is an exciting morning!

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