Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Almost there!

I am very happy and proud to report that this week I have lost 2.3 pounds.  Whoo Hoo!!

I was 257.5 this morning, very close to my goals. There were two goals.  First, I wanted to weigh no more than last year when I flew out west.  That was 257, so I'm only half a pound away.  The other goal was to lose 20 pounds in 8 weeks.  This morning I am down 18.8 in 7 weeks, down from 276.3 on June 7.  I think I'm going to attain BOTH of those goals!

Unless we eat lunch out on Sunday, which we often do, I will be eating all of my meals at home this week again.  I will continue my exercise routine as well.  Yes, this should be a good week, and I should reach my goals.  I can hardly contain my excitement!

I went out to walk this morning. I guess I was going slowly because it took me an extra 4 minutes to go the same 1.4 miles as yesterday.  I burned 126 calories doing it.  Later I will do my half mile of swimming again.  I figured if I did it once, I can do it again as long as I have 45 minutes to devote to it.  I am playing Mahjongg this afternoon, which I don't usually do on Wednesdays, and then at 4 p.m. we can go up to the Palms for our usual weight routines. I was really annoyed that the machines were so different and so weird at The Riviera.  As far as I know, the roads should be reopened today around the Palms.

The only wrinkle going on in my life this morning is that the recyle bins were not emptied yesterday.  What's up with that?  Our whole street and the cul-de-sac across the way got skipped.  I don't know if that's ever happened before or not, but it's the first time I remember it.  Our trash was emptied, as usual, but the recycle bins are still sitting there.  I hope someone has called the county about it.  Some people took them back inside, but about half of the street left them out.  I guess I'll leave it out all day and see if they come back.


  1. Congratulations on your weight loss! You are doing an amazing job! I hope that you are proud of yourself. You are setting yourself up to have a wonderful time on your vacation with this weight loss you have achieved. Keep up the great work.

  2. Thanks, Rhonda! I always love your encouraging comments. I hope you are doing well and feeling up to doing some walking, even if it's just around the house or at the store. Something is always better than nothing.
