Monday, July 22, 2013

What a difference a week makes.

Last Monday I was getting super excited about the weigh in coming on Wednesday. I had had such a fantastic week full of eating right and lots of exercise that I was anticipating a huge loss.  I really felt that my  clothes were getting looser.

Then I weighed in and was very disappointed with just that one pound loss.

This week I'm not at all excited to get on the scale Wednesday. I feel like I've gained at least two pounds, maybe more.  UGH.

I wrote about all the challenges this week would hold with many meals eaten out. I also went to the wine tasting party Saturday night. It was a LOT of fun.  There were six of us and we tried four different Malbec wines.  It was a blind taste test so we didn't know which were the cheap ones and which were the expensive ones.  We voted on our favorites and the cheapest one won! LOL!  I had planned to eat a piece of the sugar free coffee cake Mark brought, one ounce of each of the four wines, a bit of cheese.  I did eat all that, BUT I drank two ounces of each wine, twice as much cheese as planned, crackers to go with the cheese, several handfuls of cashews, and a bunch of pretzel bits filled with peanut butter.  Stupid, I know. I did my best to put all those calories into my program, and it appears that I ate a total of 2200 calories Saturday.  I guess it could have been worse, but I'm sure that's going to cause this week to be a gain, at best a maintenance week.  Tonight we are eating at food trucks.  Yeah, dumb, but we're doing it.  Last time we did this I had Cajun fish tacos and veggie spring rolls.  If I can eat them again, I can keep my calories under 1400 today.

When I was whining about not losing more than one pound last week, I was reminded that muscle weighs more than fat.  That's true.  Maybe I am putting on some more muscle. I am definitely doing my weight routines three days a week, and I have recently increased the weights.

I also read about checking measurements.  Maybe the weight is shifting around and inches are lost without actual weight loss.  So I measured.  Nope. I'm the same.  I had actually measured my waist and hips when I got back from Maryland on June 6.  I measured yesterday.  Exactly the same even though I have lost 17 pounds since then.  I don't know where the weight came from that I lost, but it didn't come from my waist or hips.  Any time I feel like my shorts or t-shirts are fitting looser is entirely a figment of my imagination.

I have already walked 1.4 miles in 30 minutes this morning.  At 10:30 I will swim laps for 40 minutes, and at 4 p.m. I will do my weight routines.  That's my normal Monday-Wednesday-Friday routine.  Even with the food truck dinner, I expect my calories today to come in around 1400 or a bit less.  Tomorrow all meals will be at home, and I will do line dancing and swimming. Maybe I can still hope for another pound down when I get on the scale Wednesday morning.

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