Thursday, July 25, 2013

Walking in the rain.

I took my walk and it started to rain pretty hard on me for about half the time.  That's the first time that's happened this early in the morning.  It was kind of entertaining. 

I still walked 1.4 miles in 34 minutes, which I think was the same as yesterday.

There will be no swimming today, although I did swim a half a mile again yesterday and even added one extra lap.  It took five minutes longer, so I guess I was going sort of slowly.  Doesn't matter.  I still got it done.

Today I am having "The Works" at the salon.  I'm having my hair cut, colored, and highlighted.  I've never had highlights, so that will be pretty fun and different.  I'm also having my usual spa pedicure, gel manicure with French polish, and facial waxing.  This is scheduled to run five hours, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.  LOL!  The stylist said pack a lunch!

I checked my Lose It! program yesterday and saw that I had nearly 6k mg of sodium Tuesday.  Even though I showed a weight loss, I wondered if it would have been more if the sodium had been less.  To check that theory, I asked Mark to leave the scale out for one more day.  Yesterday I had only 1,900 mg of sodium, a much better amount. This morning I got on the scale and discovered that I have already reached BOTH my goals that I discussed yesterday.  I"m already down another 1.2 pounds to 256.2.  That means I have now lost 20 pounds and I'm almost a full pound lower than when I left for California last year.  Wow!  Now I will just continue to spend this last week doing everything I know I should do.  I hope I can lose another pound (or two) before we leave on July 31.  Then I am setting a goal of NOT gaining any of it back while we are gone.  Now THAT'S a challenge!


  1. Congratulations on reaching your goal! You deserve to have a wonderful time on your vacation.

  2. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I was quite pleased this morning.
