Monday, July 8, 2013

Trying to stay on track

That pesky scale is still on the floor.  At this point it might as well stay since it's only two more days to Weigh-in Wednesday, and I've already been on it today.  It said I am up 1/2 pound.  That's why I shouldn't get on it.  Still, there are two more days that should be excellent with all meals eaten at home and lots of exercise.  A little change up or down should not be significant.

Saturday I ate 1435 calories, but I had no exercise.  On Sunday I at 1306 calories and walked at least a half hour because we went into the Magic Kingdom for the afternoon parade. 

Mark made a new special Sunday breakfast yesterday morning that I hope he brings back some day.  It was called Bacon-Pea-Swiss Scramble.  He used Smart Bacon (soy) instead of the turkey bacon the recipe called for. It was 194 calories, 5 g of carb, very delicious!

Saturday we enjoyed the services and the luncheon to honor our friends' anniversary.  It was number 48 for them.  Nice.  I ate a big plate of tossed salad, to which I added some extra celery sticks, baby carrots, and red pepper strips.  On top of that I put about a cup of tuna salad and took 5 Flaxseed chips.  That was it, so I was pretty proud of myself!

When we got back from shul, I sat on the lanai reading from 2:30 in the afternoon until 6:30 when it was time to come in for dinner.  I finished Game of Thrones, and then I finished Peony, also.  Now I need to find another book!  I actually think I have some more on my Kindle, so I should look there first.  I want to get the second volume of Game of Thrones, too.

Today we will go to the gym for weights, then to the pool to swim, and I already walked 1.1 miles in 25 minutes, which burned 95 calories.  My Lose It! program claims that swimming laps burns a ton of calories.  I don't know if that's true for me because I'm such a slow swimmer.  If I swim 35 minutes, the program says I burned 353 calories.  I log that in on the program, but I never allow myself to eat those calories back because I really doubt that I burned that many.

Besides exercise, I will also play Mah Jongg this afternoon and go to a HEAL (Healthy Eating Active Living) club meeting.  There is a speaker today, so I hope it's interesting.

Two more days and then my official weigh-in.  I'm actually excited for it to come this week.

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