Sunday, July 8, 2018

Another pound. Woot! Woot!

270 this morning blinked happily on the scale at me!  I am grinning from ear to ear.

Today we are heading out at 9 a.m. to see The Ant Man and the Wasp.  Evey and Eric saw it yesterday and really liked it, so we expect to enjoy it.

Then while driving to Epcot, which is only about ten minutes away, we will eat our packed lunch.  Our plans are to see a new concert performance back at the America pavilion, ride three things on fast passes, and head out around 7 p.m. for a late dinner of hot dogs and beans.  It's a quick dinner, which is why Mark picked it for tonight, because neither of us love eating dinner at 8 p.m., but I'd rather do that than eat out!

I do have to eat two lunches out this week, Tuesday and Thursday.  Then Friday we are flying to Buffalo for the family wedding on Saturday, so ALL of my meals will be out starting with Friday's lunch through Sunday's dinner.  That's SEVEN meals in restaurants, so I am hoping I can just stay the same through that weekend.  It's going to be tough, and I'll probably be depressed if everything I lost the last two weeks is back in just those three days.  Then we are home for three weeks before flying to California, another fun trip that will involve some eating out.  When we stay with Evey and Eric, we eat a lot of meals at home, so not every day is in a restaurant.  When we return, we are only home for five days before starting our road trip from Amelia Island to St. Augustine and then the NARFE FedCon in Jacksonville.  That's an 11 day trip with all meals in restaurants.  In fact at FedCon our meals were paid in advance because the whole conference eats its lunches and dinners and one breakfast together, no control there.

But I'm not whining.  I'm just laying it out not just for blog readers but for myself to think in advance about how I'm going to handle it.  My real goal is to be significantly lower in weight, like maybe 20 pounds by October 3 when we head north for the Canadian cruise.  I'd love to get below 250 for that. Ultimately my goal is to get to 220 by mid-March for the Asian trip, but that's going to be HARD because there are FOUR other cruises between the Canadian and Asian cruises.  LOL!!!

There were some notable cruises when I did not gain any weight and just stayed the same.  There were some notable ones where I gained between one and two pounds per DAY on the cruise and then didn't lose any of it before the next one came up.  LOL  YEAH!  That's how I have gotten where I am today on the scale.  LOL  Not smart but when drinks are free for the whole cruise, it's so hard not to order them multiple times a day.  I know it's empty calories, but on a cruise ship, it feels so right.  HAHA!!!

There are about 8 months total between mid-July now and mid-March when we fly to Hong Kong.  In theory, a person can lose about 8 pounds a month when keeping the calories between 1200 and 1400 every day.  That would be 64 pounds, which would mean weighing 206 for the Asian trip.  That's what I weighed in 2010 when we took off for our big retirement trip with the train across country and the 29 day cruise.  I gained 10 pounds in the 7 week trip, which was damn good.  Well, I can't lose that much because there are going to be two land trips and five cruises before that.  I have a more modest goal of losing between 25 and 50 pounds, probably closer to the lower end.  Still, every pound is important towards making me more comfortable and more healthy.

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