Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Post-Op Day Three; this might be TMI

I took a shower today. Yay! That felt very good. I was surprised that I was allowed to get it wet so soon, but I guess it's because there are steri-strips that will fall off when they are ready instead of stitches that have to be removed by the doctor. After the shower, Mark and I walked to the stop sign at the end of our street and back. Before surgery that was just the beginning of my walks. Now I was thankful I got that far and back. It's about three-tenths of a mile, maybe a bit less. Tomorrow it's going to rain, so I don't know if I'll get to go out. One reason that I really wanted to get out and walk is the problem with constipation. They warned me that I needed to have something happen within 36 hours or I should call them. I guess I'm not behaving so well because it's now well past that. I have taken stool softeners yesterday and this morning; last night and this morning I also took a laxative. I have been drinking water and decaf tea and diet sprite. I have not eaten anything with fiber, but for lunch today I plan to have some soup with fiber in it. I'm no longer taking the percocets because I know they can cause constipation. And I walked. If nothing happens by 2 p.m., I'll call the doctor because it will be 48 hours at that point.

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